The table shows the number of miles driven over time. %C2%A0Time (hours)%C2%A0 %C2%A0Distance (miles)%C2%A0 %C2%A04 %C2%A0204 %C2%A06 %C2%A0306 %C2%A08 %C2%A0408 %C2%A010 %C2%A0510 Express the relationship between distance and time in simplified form as a unit rate. Determine which statement correctly interprets this relationship. (1 point) Responses ; your car travels 51 miles every 1 hour. Image with alt text: The fraction 51 over 1. ; your car travels 51 miles every 1 hour. 204; your car travels 204 miles. 204; your car travels 204 miles. ; your car travels 51 miles every 1 hour. Image with alt text: The fraction 1 over 51. ; your car travels 51 miles every 1 hour. 10; your car travels for 10 hours.

The correct interpretation of the relationship between distance and time is:

Your car travels 51 miles every 1 hour.

The corresponding unit rate is 51 miles per 1 hour.

To express the relationship between distance and time as a unit rate, we need to find the ratio of distance to time.

Looking at the table, we can see that for every 1 hour, the car travels 51 miles.

Therefore, the correct statement that interprets this relationship is: "your car travels 51 miles every 1 hour."

To express the relationship between distance and time as a unit rate, we need to find the ratio between the distance and the time.

From the table, we can see that the distance increases by 204 miles every 2 hours. Therefore, the unit rate can be calculated by dividing the distance by the time.

Using the first set of values from the table (4 hours, 204 miles), we can calculate the unit rate as follows:

Unit Rate = Distance / Time
= 204 miles / 4 hours
= 51 miles/hour

So, the relationship between distance and time is that the car travels at a rate of 51 miles per hour.

The correct statement that correctly interprets this relationship is:

"Your car travels 51 miles every 1 hour."