Multiply 789 and 75 using the standard algorithm. What is the product?(1 point)






The product of 789 and 75 using the standard algorithm is 59,175.

To multiply 789 and 75 using the standard algorithm, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the ones digit of 789 (which is 9) by the tens digit of 75 (which is 7). This gives you 63.

Step 2: Write down the 3 and carry over the 6 to the next step.

Step 3: Multiply the ones digit of 789 (which is 9) by the ones digit of 75 (which is 5). This gives you 45.

Step 4: Add the carried over 6 to the 45. This gives you 51.

Step 5: Write down the 51 below the line, aligning it with the previous result.

Step 6: Multiply the hundreds digit of 789 (which is 7) by the tens digit of 75 (which is 7). This gives you 49.

Step 7: Write down the 49, but shifted one place to the left, adding a zero at the end. This gives you 490.

Step 8: Multiply the hundreds digit of 789 (which is 7) by the ones digit of 75 (which is 5). This gives you 35.

Step 9: Write down the 35, but shifted two places to the left, adding two zeros at the end. This gives you 3500.

Step 10: Add up all the results from steps 5, 7, and 9. This gives you 51, 490, and 3500 respectively. When you add them up, you get 4041.

So, the product of 789 and 75 using the standard algorithm is 4041.

To multiply 789 and 75 using the standard algorithm, follow these steps:

Step 1:
Write the two numbers horizontally, one below the other:

789 <--- Multiplicand
x 75 <--- Multiplier

Step 2:
Start by multiplying the ones digit (9) of the multiplicand with the multiplier. The result is 675.

789 <--- Multiplicand
x 75 <--- Multiplier

Step 3:
Next, move one place to the left and multiply the tens digit (8) of the multiplicand by the multiplier. The result is 5,925. Write it below the previous result and shift it one place to the left:

789 <--- Multiplicand
x 75 <--- Multiplier
+ 675 (shifted 1 place to the left)

Step 4:
Finally, move one more place to the left and multiply the hundreds digit (7) of the multiplicand by the multiplier. The result is 59,175. Write it below the previous result, aligning it with the ones digit, and shift it one place to the left:

789 <--- Multiplicand
x 75 <--- Multiplier
+ 675 (shifted 1 place to the left)
+ 59,175 (shifted 2 places to the left)

Therefore, the product of 789 and 75 using the standard algorithm is 59,175.