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I'm sorry, but I don't understand the message you're trying to convey. Can you please provide more context or clarify your statement?

This chapter is called the fight in the study room

Everson liked his new teacher, tutor what ever you want to call it. He always attended lessons with his cousin Lightner. His (faraway cousin) Telnor, telmore( brothers) Cadamier and Hadamier ( princes and brothers) Benamier and Sadamier (princes and brothers) but all of the are related. Everyone old teacher was rather harsh there new teacher was a night who did much for the king. He wrote the letters for the king giving them to him so he may Sign them. He also helped Everyone uncle Clevent care for the Treasury. But to day was not a happy day as the boy (ages ranging from14 -13- 10 -8 years old) worked on there's lessons. The talk of Everson one of the generals in the kings as army was dying from a serious illness. All the boys stoped the work to do what is called eavesdropping. When there tutor saw this he said I think we should go talk in the hall. He told his friends, so he left the boys to there studys. Emedienty after he left the boys began to Argue. Telmore who was seated in front of Everson turned round and said poor baby his grand daddy is going to die.

The atmosphere in the study room turned tense as the boys overheard the news about Everson, one of the generals in the king's army, being gravely ill. Their tutor, noticing this distraction, suggested they continue the conversation outside in the hallway. As he left the room, the boys, including Telmore, who was seated in front of Everson, began to argue. Telmore, seemingly insensitive to the gravity of the situation, sarcastically remarked about Everson's grandfather's impending demise.

This chapter is called the fight in the study room

Everson liked his new teacher, tutor what ever you want to call it. He always attended lessons with his cousin Lightner. His (faraway cousin) Telnor, telmore( brothers) Cadamier and Hadamier ( princes and brothers) Benamier and Sadamier (princes and brothers) but all of the are related. Everyone old teacher was rather harsh there new teacher was a night who did much for the king. He wrote the letters for the king giving them to him so he may Sign them. He also helped Everyone uncle Clevent care for the Treasury. But to day was not a happy day as the boy (ages ranging from14 -13- 10 -8 years old) worked on there's lessons. The talk of Eversons grandfather one of the generals in the kings as army was dying from a serious illness. All the boys stoped the work to do what is called eavesdropping. When there tutor saw this he said I think we should go talk in the hall. He told his friends, so he left the boys to there studys. Emedienty after he left the boys began to Argue. Telmore who was seated in front of Everson turned round and said poor baby his grand daddy is going to die. He said with a laugh. Dying is not funny said Prince Benamier who was seated next to Everson

As the boys eavesdropped on the conversation about Everson's grandfather, who was a general in the king's army and gravely ill, their tutor noticed their distraction and suggested moving the discussion to the hallway. Leaving the boys to study, disagreements erupted among them. Telmore, positioned in front of Everson, turned around and made a callous remark about his grandfather's impending death, accompanied by a laugh. Prince Benamier, seated next to Everson, immediately intervened, asserting that dying is not a matter to be taken lightly.

This chapter is called the fight in the study room

Everson liked his new teacher, tutor what ever you want to call it. He always attended lessons with his cousin Lightner. His (faraway cousin) Telnor, telmore( brothers) Cadamier and Hadamier ( princes and brothers) Benamier and Sadamier (princes and brothers) but all of the are related. Everyone old teacher was rather harsh there new teacher was a night who did much for the king. He wrote the letters for the king giving them to him so he may Sign them. He also helped Everyone uncle Clevent care for the Treasury. But to day was not a happy day as the boy (ages ranging from14 -13- 10 -8 years old) worked on there's lessons. The talk of Eversons grandfather one of the generals in the kings as army was dying from a serious illness. All the boys stoped the work to do what is called eavesdropping. When there tutor saw this he said I think we should go talk in the hall. He told his friends, so he left the boys to there studys. Emedienty after he left the boys began to Argue. Telmore who was seated in front of Everson turned round and said poor baby his grand daddy is going to die. He said with a laugh. Dying is not funny said Prince Benamier who was seated next to Everson. Cadamier with a smile said that Telmore all was makes trouble

In the study room, Everson and his cousins, including Lightner, Telnor, Telmore, Cadamier, Hadamier, Benamier, and Sadamier, gathered for their lessons with their new tutor. Unlike their previous teacher, who was harsh, this tutor was a knight who served the king, assisting with letters and treasury matters. However, the atmosphere turned somber when news spread that Everson's grandfather, a general in the king's army, was seriously ill.

Curiosity led the boys to eavesdrop on the conversation, causing their tutor to suggest continuing the discussion in the hallway. Once their tutor left, an argument broke out among the boys. Telmore, sitting in front of Everson, callously mocked the situation, causing Prince Benamier, seated next to Everson, to intervene, asserting that dying is no laughing matter. Cadamier chimed in, noting that Telmore always seemed to stir up trouble.

The study room was filled with tension as the boys contemplated the serious situation and dealt with their conflicting emotions.

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As the heated exchange continued in the study room, emotions ran high among the boys. Everson, being particularly close to his grandfather, felt a surge of anger at Telmore's callous remarks. He clenched his fists, his face flushed with a mix of sadness and fury.

Lightner, always the peacemaker, tried to mediate between the two cousins. "Come on, guys. Let's not fight. We're all worried about Grandfather," he pleaded.

But Telmore, known for his mischievous nature, seemed unfazed. "Oh, lighten up, Everson!" he retorted with a smirk. "It's just a fact of life. People get sick and they die. No need to be so sensitive about it."

Benamier, however, couldn't contain his frustration any longer. "How can you be so heartless, Telmore?" he snapped. "Everson's grandfather has served our kingdom with honor and courage. He deserves our respect, not mockery."

Cadamier, observing the escalating tension, chimed in once again, this time with a more conciliatory tone. "Perhaps we should channel our energy into supporting Everson and his family during this difficult time," he suggested. "We should focus on how we can help, rather than arguing."

The words struck a chord with the group, and slowly the tension began to dissipate. They realized that their bickering was unproductive, and unity was needed during such challenging moments. With a shared sense of empathy, they agreed to put their differences aside and rally around Everson and his family.

Together, they recommitted to their studies, determined to excel in their education to honor the legacy of Everson's grandfather, a decorated general who had dedicated his life to the protection of their kingdom.

As they delved back into their lessons, the boys learned a valuable lesson that day—sometimes, in the face of adversity, coming together and supporting one another is the greatest strength one can possess.

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you're asking. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?