Why can this article be regarded as credible and reliable? – select all the options that apply.  

The authors are not affiliated with a university in the Netherlands.  

The article was published recently in 2020, so, the information will be current and up to date.   

It is a research article; the information will be reported objectively with sufficient evidence and reference to other authorities.  

It is likely that the article was peer-reviewed as it was published in an academic journal.

The article was published recently in 2020, so, the information will be current and up to date. 

It is a research article; the information will be reported objectively with sufficient evidence and reference to other authorities. 

It is likely that the article was peer-reviewed as it was published in an academic journal.

Based on the given options, the following options can be selected as reasons why the article can be regarded as credible and reliable:

- The article was published recently in 2020, so, the information will be current and up to date.
- It is a research article; the information will be reported objectively with sufficient evidence and reference to other authorities.
- It is likely that the article was peer-reviewed as it was published in an academic journal.

It is important to note that the first option "The authors are not affiliated with a university in the Netherlands" does not necessarily contribute to the credibility and reliability of the article.

Based on the options provided, the following options apply:

- The article was published recently in 2020, so the information will be current and up to date. This indicates that the information is more likely to reflect the most recent research and developments in the field.

- It is a research article; the information will be reported objectively with sufficient evidence and reference to other authorities. This suggests that the article has been written using a systematic and rigorous approach, presenting evidence and referring to other reliable sources. Research articles typically follow a specific structure and methodology, ensuring that the information presented is credible.

- It is likely that the article was peer-reviewed as it was published in an academic journal. Peer-review is a process where experts in the field review and evaluate the article for its quality and credibility. If an article has undergone peer-review, it adds an additional layer of validation to its quality and reliability.

Therefore, the options "The article was published recently in 2020, so, the information will be current and up to date", "It is a research article; the information will be reported objectively with sufficient evidence and reference to other authorities", and "It is likely that the article was peer-reviewed as it was published in an academic journal" can all contribute to considering the article as credible and reliable.