An asteroid approaches Jupiter and is slung around into a new trajectory point across the solar system. Which of the following is possible? CHOOSE ONE CORRECT.

O The asteroid slows down as it passes around Jupiter.
O The asteroid continues out of the solar system.
O The asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape.
O The asteroid falls into an irregular orbit around Jupiter.

O The asteroid falls into an irregular orbit around Jupiter.

The correct answer is:

- The asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape.

The correct option is: The asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape.

Explanation: When an asteroid approaches Jupiter and is slung around, it experiences a gravitational assist or a gravitational slingshot. During this process, the gravitational pull of Jupiter changes the trajectory of the asteroid. Depending on the angle and velocity of approach, the asteroid can gain energy from Jupiter's gravity, allowing it to adopt a new trajectory.

In this case, the option stating that the asteroid adopts an unusual orbit around the sun, such as an egg shape, is possible. The gravitational slingshot can alter the shape of the asteroid's orbit, making it elongated or elliptical. This new orbit may be different from its previous trajectory, resulting in an irregular-shaped orbit around the sun.