Look at this reference. What kind of material is being referenced?   Lillis, T.M. & Turner, J. 2001. Student writing in higher education: Contemporary confusion, traditional concerns. Teaching in Higher Education, 6(1): 57-67.  

Internet source.  


Journal article.  

Book chapter.  

Journal article

The material being referenced is a journal article.

To determine what kind of material is being referenced, we need to analyze the citation provided. In this case, the citation format follows the typical format for a journal article.

The authors' names, T.M. Lillis and J. Turner, are mentioned first. Next, the year of publication in brackets is provided, which is 2001. After that, the title of the article is mentioned: "Student writing in higher education: Contemporary confusion, traditional concerns." Following the title, the name of the journal appears, which in this case is "Teaching in Higher Education."

Finally, we see the volume and issue number of the journal, which is 6(1), and the page range of the article, which is 57-67.

Therefore, based on the given reference, it can be concluded that the material being referenced is a journal article.