which of these is a data type that is made up of whole numbers represented as binary values


The correct data type that is made up of whole numbers represented as binary values is an integer.

The data type that is made up of whole numbers represented as binary values is an "integer".

The data type that is made up of whole numbers represented as binary values is the integer. To determine the correct answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the question: The question is asking about a data type that represents whole numbers in binary form.
2. Definition of data types: Recall the definitions of the given data types:
- Integer: A data type that represents whole numbers (both positive and negative) without any decimal or fractional part.
- Stack: A data structure that stores a collection of elements with last-in-first-out (LIFO) access.
- String: A sequence of characters.
- Object: A data type that can store multiple values of different types and can have its own methods and properties.

3. Compare options: Analyze each option provided.
- Integer: This is the correct answer as it matches the description of a data type representing whole numbers in binary form.
- Stack: A stack is not a data type itself; it is a data structure used to organize and manage data.
- String: Strings are used to store sequences of characters, not binary representations of whole numbers.
- Object: Objects can store multiple values, but they do not inherently have a binary representation for whole numbers.

Based on these comparisons, the correct answer is integer.