Divide 1.587 by 0.23. (1 point)


To divide 1.587 by 0.23, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the long division problem, with 1.587 as the dividend and 0.23 as the divisor:
0.23 | 1.587

Step 2: Divide the first digit of the dividend (1) by the divisor (0.23). The result is 4.34, which is too large to fit in the quotient at this stage.

Step 3: Now, bring down the next digit of the dividend (5), making it 15.

Step 4: Divide 15 by 0.23. The result is 65.2, which is also too large for the quotient.

Step 5: Bring down the last digit of the dividend (8), making it 158.

Step 6: Divide 158 by 0.23. The result is 686.96, which is still too large for the quotient.

Step 7: Since we have run out of digits in the dividend, the division process ends.

Therefore, the result of dividing 1.587 by 0.23 is approximately 6.896, rounded to three decimal places.

To divide 1.587 by 0.23, you can use a calculator to get the answer directly or perform the division manually by following these steps:

Step 1: Write down the dividend (1.587) and divisor (0.23).

Step 2: Multiply both the dividend and the divisor by a power of 10 to eliminate the decimal points. In this case, multiplying both numbers by 100 will eliminate the decimal places:

Dividend = 1.587 × 100 = 158.7
Divisor = 0.23 × 100 = 23

Step 3: Perform the division by dividing the new dividend (158.7) by the divisor (23):

158.7 ÷ 23 = 6.896...

Therefore, 1.587 divided by 0.23 is approximately 6.896 (rounded to three decimal places).