What are prepositions?(1 point)


words that identify the subject
words that identify the subject

words that express relationship
words that express relationship

words that show actions
words that show actions

words that tell what the subject does

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words that express relationship

are you sure

Yes, I am sure. Prepositions are words that express the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in a sentence. They often indicate location, time, direction, or manner. Examples of prepositions include "in," "on," "at," "under," "over," "through," and "with."


Prepositions are words that express relationship.

The correct answer is: "words that express relationship." Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They indicate location, time, direction, manner, or other important details. To identify prepositions in a sentence, you can look for words that often indicate relationship, such as "in," "on," "under," "with," "to," etc.