Why is it impossible for an element to have an atomic number of 110.5? (1 point) Responses Atoms with atomic numbers greater than 100 are unstable. Atoms with atomic numbers greater than 100 are unstable. Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons and neutrons. Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons and neutrons. Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons. Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons. Exactly half of the isotopes would need an atomic number of 110, and half would need an atomic number of 111, which is very unlikely. Exactly half of the isotopes would need an atomic number of 110, and half would need an atomic number of 111, which is very unlikely

Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons.

Atoms with atomic numbers greater than 100 are unstable. Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons. Exactly half of the isotopes would need an atomic number of 110, and half would need an atomic number of 111, which is very unlikely. These factors make it impossible for an element to have an atomic number of 110.5.

Atoms with atomic numbers greater than 100 are unstable. This is because elements with higher atomic numbers tend to have more protons, and the electrostatic repulsion between the protons becomes stronger. This can lead to an instability within the nucleus, making it difficult for the atom to remain intact.

Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons and neutrons. The atomic number of an element represents the number of protons in the nucleus, which determines the element's identity. Neutrons, on the other hand, can vary in number within the same element, resulting in different isotopes. However, these isotopes still have whole number values for both protons and neutrons.

In the case of an atomic number of 110.5, it would imply that there are 110 protons and 0.5 neutrons. However, neutrons cannot exist in fractional values. Neutrons are particles with a whole number mass and do not exist in half or partial quantities.

Additionally, if we consider isotopes, where different atoms of the same element have different numbers of neutrons, having an atomic number of 110.5 would imply that half of the isotopes have an atomic number of 110, while the other half have an atomic number of 111. This scenario is highly unlikely because it would require an equal distribution of isotopes with distinct atomic numbers, which is not typically observed.