Cause Effect

? Companies began to prioritize advertising and use the services of professional advertising firms.

(1 point)

The population in the east coast cities was declining as people chose to move out west.
The population in the east coast cities was declining as people chose to move out west.

Consumers had more choices for goods to buy from more companies than ever before.
Consumers had more choices for goods to buy from more companies than ever before.

The new urban working population had more time and money to spend on shopping.
The new urban working population had more time and money to spend on shopping.

People became less interested in shopping because they struggled to meet their

basic needs.

People became less interested in shopping because they struggled to meet their basic needs.

basic needs due to economic hardships.

basic needs. People became less interested in shopping because they struggled to meet their basic needs.


To determine the cause-effect relationship that led companies to prioritize advertising and use the services of professional advertising firms, we need to analyze the given options and choose the most relevant one.

1. The population in the east coast cities was declining as people chose to move out west.
This option does not directly address the cause-effect relationship between companies prioritizing advertising and the services of professional advertising firms. It seems unrelated to the given effect.

2. Consumers had more choices for goods to buy from more companies than ever before.
This option suggests that the increase in choices for consumers prompted companies to prioritize advertising. It implies that companies recognized the need to stand out among the competition and attract consumer attention through advertising. This option seems more relevant to the given cause-effect relationship.

3. The new urban working population had more time and money to spend on shopping.
This option suggests that the increase in the urban working population's disposable income and free time led to higher consumer demand, prompting companies to prioritize advertising to attract these potential customers. While it is relevant to the overall consumer behavior, it does not directly explain the shift towards professional advertising firms.

4. People became less interested in shopping because they struggled to meet their basic needs.
This option suggests an opposite effect - a decrease in consumer interest in shopping due to basic needs struggles. It does not explain the cause-effect relationship leading to companies prioritizing advertising and professional advertising firms.

Based on the analysis, option 2, "Consumers had more choices for goods to buy from more companies than ever before," seems to be the most relevant cause-effect relationship, explaining why companies began to prioritize advertising and use the services of professional advertising firms.