Which statement accurately compares why local Northern Rhodesian and Burmese populations suffered

such extreme economic impacts of the Great Depression? (1 point)

A.Britain exploited both countries racial tensions to keep wages low.

B.Both colonies were run as charter businesses.

C.Britain lowed taxes to such an extent that the government could no longer afford to function.

D.Britain changed the colonies' traditional economies to suit their own capitalist needs.

D. Britain changed the colonies' traditional economies to suit their own capitalist needs.

D. Britain changed the colonies' traditional economies to suit their own capitalist needs.

During the Great Depression, Britain played a significant role in both Northern Rhodesia (present-day Zambia) and Burma (present-day Myanmar), causing extreme economic impacts in these colonies. One accurate statement that compares the reasons behind these impacts is that Britain changed the colonies' traditional economies to suit their own capitalist needs.

In Northern Rhodesia, Britain heavily invested in the copper industry, which rapidly expanded during this time. This led to significant societal changes as the traditional subsistence-based economies of the local population were transformed to support the copper industry. As a result, the local population became more dependent on cash-crop agriculture, leading to vulnerabilities during economic downturns such as the Great Depression.

Similarly, in Burma, Britain implemented economic policies that aimed to promote its own interests rather than considering the welfare of the local population. They heavily invested in the extraction of natural resources such as timber, oil, and minerals while neglecting the development of local industries. This led to an overreliance on exporting primary commodities, which made Burma highly vulnerable to fluctuations in global market prices, contributing to the economic impacts during the Great Depression.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Britain's prioritization of their own capitalist needs and the transformation of the colonies' traditional economies were major causes of the extreme economic impacts suffered by the local Northern Rhodesian and Burmese populations during the Great Depression.

To determine the accurate statement that compares the reasons behind the extreme economic impacts of the Great Depression on local Northern Rhodesian and Burmese populations, we can analyze each option:

A. Britain exploited both countries' racial tensions to keep wages low: This statement suggests that Britain deliberately manipulated racial tensions in order to maintain low wages. While racial tensions and labor exploitation were present during this time, there is insufficient evidence to support a direct link between racial tensions and the economic impacts of the Great Depression in both Northern Rhodesia and Burma.

B. Both colonies were run as charter businesses: This statement proposes that both Northern Rhodesia and Burma were managed as charter businesses during the Great Depression. However, the term "charter businesses" doesn't accurately describe the colonial administrations of these territories, making this option an inaccurate comparison.

C. Britain lowered taxes to such an extent that the government could no longer afford to function: This statement suggests that Britain's reduction in taxes led to a financial crisis in the colonies, rendering the government incapable of functioning effectively. While taxation policies during the Great Depression did have an impact on the colonies, it is important to note that this was not the primary reason for their extreme economic impacts. Hence, this option is also incorrect.

D. Britain changed the colonies' traditional economies to suit their own capitalist needs: This statement implies that Britain altered the traditional economies of Northern Rhodesia and Burma to align with their own capitalist interests. This option is the most accurate as the colonial rulers did indeed prioritize their own economic goals and influenced the local economies accordingly, leading to significant economic impacts during the Great Depression.

Therefore, the accurate statement that compares why local Northern Rhodesian and Burmese populations suffered such extreme economic impacts of the Great Depression is option D: Britain changed the colonies' traditional economies to suit their own capitalist needs.