Which of the following statements are true about interpersonal and intrapersonal skills in online communication? Select all the options that apply:

Cultivating good communication skills in daily life helps in engaging with others on social platforms and online groups.

Intrapersonal skills refer to communication that occurs in your mind.

Interpersonal skills refer to communication that happens between two or more people.

It is not important to cultivate good communication skills for online communication.

- Cultivating good communication skills in daily life helps in engaging with others on social platforms and online groups.

- Intrapersonal skills refer to communication that occurs in your mind.
- Interpersonal skills refer to communication that happens between two or more people.

The following statements are true about interpersonal and intrapersonal skills in online communication:

1. Cultivating good communication skills in daily life helps in engaging with others on social platforms and online groups.

2. Intrapersonal skills refer to communication that occurs in your mind.

3. Interpersonal skills refer to communication that happens between two or more people.

Therefore, options 1, 2, and 3 apply. Option 4, "It is not important to cultivate good communication skills for online communication," is false.

To determine which statements are true about interpersonal and intrapersonal skills in online communication, we can analyze each option:

Option 1: "Cultivating good communication skills in daily life helps in engaging with others on social platforms and online groups."
This statement is true. Cultivating good communication skills not only benefits face-to-face interactions but also applies to online communication. Effective communication skills, such as active listening, clear expression, and empathy, can help engage with others effectively in social platforms and online groups.

Option 2: "Intrapersonal skills refer to communication that occurs in your mind."
This statement is true. Intrapersonal skills refer to the ability to understand and communicate with oneself. It involves self-reflection, self-awareness, and effective internal dialogue. In online communication, intrapersonal skills are essential for self-awareness, self-expression, and understanding one's own thoughts and emotions in a virtual setting.

Option 3: "Interpersonal skills refer to communication that happens between two or more people."
This statement is true. Interpersonal skills involve the ability to interact and communicate effectively with other individuals or groups. In online communication, interpersonal skills are crucial for building and maintaining relationships, collaborating with others, and resolving conflicts.

Option 4: "It is not important to cultivate good communication skills for online communication."
This statement is false. Cultivating good communication skills is vital for online communication. While the context and medium might be different, effective communication skills play a significant role in fostering meaningful interactions, expressing ideas clearly, and building strong connections in the virtual world.

Based on this analysis, the true statements are:
1. Cultivating good communication skills in daily life helps in engaging with others on social platforms and online groups.
2. Intrapersonal skills refer to communication that occurs in your mind.
3. Interpersonal skills refer to communication that happens between two or more people.