Think about the investigation you have chosen to conduct or refer to the sample investigation. Write a short report that covers all the parts of your portfolio activity. Imagine that you are a real scientist, and you want to show your results to a journal that is reviewed by other scientists.Think about what you learned in the lessons, and write a short sentence describing what each term you wrote is used for. Use your word cloud list to answer these questions:1. How did you decide to measure the oxygen released during photosynthesis?

2. Why do you need data in an investigation?
3. Did your data prove your hypotheses?
4. Why do scientists need evidence to support a hypothesis?

Think about the scientific method, and what you used to plan, conduct, and report your investigation. Imagine you are going to make a word cloud using key words to show the steps you took to conduct your investigation. Make a list of the words you would put in your word cloud.

1. I decided to measure the oxygen released during photosynthesis because it is a common byproduct of the process and can provide a quantifiable measure of photosynthetic activity.

2. Data is necessary in an investigation to provide evidence and support or refute hypotheses. It allows for the comparison of different variables and the identification of patterns or trends.

3. The data collected during the investigation did not prove the hypotheses, as there was no significant difference observed between the control and experimental groups. However, it did provide valuable information about the photosynthetic activity of the plants under different conditions.

4. Scientists need evidence to support a hypothesis because it adds credibility and validity to their claims. It allows others to replicate the study and verify the results, ensuring that the conclusions are based on solid evidence.

Word cloud list: Hypothesis, Experiment, Control Group, Experimental Group, Data, Analysis, Conclusion, Variables, Photosynthesis, Oxygen, Measure, Evidence, Investigation, Results, Scientific Method, Replication.

1. In order to measure the oxygen released during photosynthesis, I decided to use an oxygen gas sensor. This device can accurately measure the concentration of oxygen in the surrounding air and provide real-time data.

2. Data is essential in an investigation as it provides evidence and enables scientists to draw conclusions. It helps to analyze and interpret observations, identify patterns or trends, and support or reject hypotheses.

3. Yes, the data collected in my investigation did support my hypotheses. Through the measurements of the oxygen released during photosynthesis, the data showed an increase in oxygen concentration compared to the control group, indicating that photosynthesis was indeed occurring.

4. Scientists need evidence to support a hypothesis because it ensures the validity and credibility of their claims. By collecting and analyzing data, scientists can objectively evaluate whether their hypothesis is supported or refuted by the available evidence, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of their scientific findings.

Word cloud: hypothesis, investigation, data collection, observation, measurement, analysis, conclusion, evidence.

In my investigation on photosynthesis, I decided to measure the oxygen released during photosynthesis by using an oxygen sensor. This device allows for the direct measurement of oxygen levels in a closed system where photosynthesis is occurring. By monitoring the changes in oxygen concentration over time, I was able to determine the rate of oxygen production, which is a reliable indicator of the photosynthetic activity taking place.

Data is essential in any investigation because it provides objective evidence to support or refute hypotheses. In my investigation, I collected data on oxygen levels at different time points during photosynthesis. This data allowed me to analyze the trends and patterns in oxygen production, which ultimately helped me draw conclusions about the photosynthetic process.

The data I collected did prove my hypothesis. I hypothesized that increasing the intensity of light would lead to an increase in the rate of oxygen release during photosynthesis. The data clearly showed a positive correlation between light intensity and oxygen production rate, thus confirming my hypothesis.

Scientists need evidence to support hypotheses because it provides credibility and reliability to their findings. Evidence allows for the replication and verification of scientific claims, ensuring that they are not based on mere speculation or personal beliefs. By relying on objective evidence, scientists can make sound conclusions and contribute to the cumulative knowledge of their respective fields.

Now, let's create a word cloud to represent the steps taken in conducting the investigation:

1. Hypothesis
2. Photosynthesis
3. Oxygen
4. Measurement
5. Oxygen sensor
6. Data collection
7. Analysis
8. Trend analysis
9. Light intensity
10. Rate of oxygen release
11. Confirmation
12. Evidence
13. Reliability
14. Scientific method
15. Replication