Which property is lustraled by the statement? 2(-3/9)=(-3/9)2

The property demonstrated by the statement is the commutative property of multiplication.

The property demonstrated by the statement 2(-3/9) = (-3/9)2 is the commutative property of multiplication. This property states that the order in which two numbers are multiplied does not affect the result.

The property that is illustrated by the statement 2(-3/9) = (-3/9)2 is known as the commutative property of multiplication.

The commutative property of multiplication states that the order of the numbers being multiplied does not affect the result. In other words, it doesn't matter if we switch the order of the numbers being multiplied, the product will remain the same.

To understand this property in action, let's break down the given statement:

2(-3/9) means multiplying 2 by -3/9.
(-3/9)2 means multiplying -3/9 by 2.

By simplifying both expressions, we get the following:

2(-3/9) = -6/9

(-3/9)2 = -6/9

As we can see, regardless of the order in which we perform the multiplication, we end up with the same result (-6/9). This demonstrates the commutative property of multiplication.