Which of the following citations is correct for a print article with no known author?

It Fell from the Sky. "Business Week," 4 Mar, 2019. pp 1-3.
"It Fell from the Sky." Business Week, 4 Mar, 2019. pp 1-3.
"It Fell from the Sky." Business Week, 4 Mar, 2019. pp 1-3.
It Fell from the Sky. Business Week, 4 Mar, 2019. pp 1-3.

"It Fell from the Sky." Business Week, 4 Mar, 2019. pp 1-3.

The correct citation for a print article with no known author is:

"It Fell from the Sky." Business Week, 4 Mar, 2019. pp. 1-3.

The correct citation for a print article with no known author is typically to use the title of the article first, followed by the name of the publication, the date of publication, and the page numbers. In this case, the correct citation would be:

"It Fell from the Sky." Business Week, 4 Mar, 2019. pp 1-3.

Make sure to put the article title in quotation marks and italicize the name of the publication. The date of publication should be in the format of day, month, and year. The page numbers can be indicated as "pp" followed by the range of page numbers.