A very optimistic electrician wants to build a fence along the entire front of her home. Her plan is for the equally spaced fence posts to be 15 feet apart and her front yard is 180 feet wide. How many total fence post will our electrician need?

To find the number of total fence posts needed, we need to divide the width of the front yard by the distance between each fence post.

The width of the front yard is 180 feet, and the distance between each fence post is 15 feet.

So, the total number of fence posts needed is 180/15 = <<180/15=12>>12 fence posts.

Therefore, the electrician will need a total of 12 fence posts.

To determine the total number of fence posts needed, you can divide the width of the front yard by the spacing between each post. In this case, the width of the front yard is 180 feet, and the spacing between each post is 15 feet.

The number of fence posts needed can be calculated using the following formula:

Number of fence posts = Width of front yard divided by spacing between posts

Number of fence posts = 180 feet รท 15 feet

Now, we can perform the calculation:

Number of fence posts = 12

Therefore, the electrician will need a total of 12 fence posts.

To determine the total number of fence posts needed, we can divide the width of the front yard by the spacing between each fence post.

Given that the front yard is 180 feet wide and the fence posts are to be spaced 15 feet apart, we can divide 180 by 15 as follows:

180 feet wide / 15 feet spacing = 12 fence posts

Therefore, the electrician will need a total of 12 fence posts.