From 4 cans with 96 bolts in each, 3/4 of the bolts in one can are used, as are 5/8 of the bolts in a second can are used, 1/2 of the bolts in a third can, and 1/4 in the remaining can. What is the fraction of the total number of bolts remaining in these 4 cans?

The first can has 96 x 3/4 = <<96*3/4=72>>72 bolts used.

The second can has 96 x 5/8 = <<96*5/8=60>>60 bolts used.
The third can has 96 x 1/2 = <<96*1/2=48>>48 bolts used.
The fourth can has 96 x 1/4 = <<96*1/4=24>>24 bolts used.
So, the total number of bolts used is 72 + 60 + 48 + 24 = <<72+60+48+24=204>>204.
Therefore, the total number of bolts remaining is 4 x 96 - 204 = <<4*96-204=132>>132.
The fraction of the total number of bolts remaining is 132/4 x 96 = 33/96 = <<132/(4*96)=33/96>>11/32. Answer: \boxed{\frac{11}{32}}.

To find the fraction of the total number of bolts remaining in these 4 cans, we need to calculate the fraction of bolts used in each can and subtract it from 1.

Let's start with the first can:
3/4 of the bolts in the first can are used, which means 1/4 are remaining.

Now, let's move on to the second can:
5/8 of the bolts in the second can are used, which means 3/8 are remaining.

In the third can:
1/2 of the bolts are used, which means 1/2 are remaining.

Finally, in the fourth can:
1/4 of the bolts are used, which means 3/4 are remaining.

To find the total fraction of bolts remaining, we add up the fractions:
1/4 + 3/8 + 1/2 + 3/4

To add these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 4, 8, 2, and 4 is 8.

Now, let's convert the fractions to have a common denominator of 8:
2/8 + 3/8 + 4/8 + 6/8

Adding the fractions together, we get:
(2 + 3 + 4 + 6) / 8 = 15 / 8

Therefore, the fraction of the total number of bolts remaining in these 4 cans is 15/8.

To find the fraction of the total number of bolts remaining in these 4 cans, we need to calculate the number of bolts used in each can and subtract it from the total number of bolts.

Let's calculate the number of bolts used in each can:

Can 1: 3/4 of the bolts are used = (3/4) * 96 = 72 bolts used
Can 2: 5/8 of the bolts are used = (5/8) * 96 = 60 bolts used
Can 3: 1/2 of the bolts are used = (1/2) * 96 = 48 bolts used
Can 4: 1/4 of the bolts are used = (1/4) * 96 = 24 bolts used

Now, let's calculate the total number of bolts used:
Total bolts used = 72 + 60 + 48 + 24 = 204 bolts

To find the fraction of the total number of bolts remaining, we subtract the total bolts used from the total number of bolts, which is 4 cans * 96 bolts/can = 384 bolts.

Total bolts remaining = Total number of bolts - Total bolts used
Total bolts remaining = 384 - 204 = 180 bolts remaining

Therefore, the fraction of the total number of bolts remaining in these 4 cans is:
Fraction remaining = Total bolts remaining / Total number of bolts
Fraction remaining = 180 / 384

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 12.

180/12 = 15
384/12 = 32

So, the fraction of the total number of bolts remaining in these 4 cans is 15/32.