A stone is dropped off a cliff of height h. At the same time, a second stone is thrown straight upward from the base of the cliff with an initial velocity v �� i . Assuming that the second rock is thrown hard enough, at what time t will the two stones meet?'

To solve this problem, we can use the equations of motion for each stone.

For the stone that is dropped, we know that its initial velocity is 0 (since it is dropped) and its acceleration is -9.8 m/s^2 (assuming standard gravity). The position of the stone can be described by the equation:

h = (1/2)gt^2

where h is the height of the cliff and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

For the second stone that is thrown upward, we know that its initial velocity is v i. Since the stone is thrown upward, its acceleration is also -9.8 m/s^2. The position of this stone can be described by the equation:

0 = vi * t + (1/2)(-9.8)t^2

We want to find the time when these two stones meet, which means their positions are equal. So we can set the two equations equal to each other:

h = (1/2)gt^2
0 = vi * t + (1/2)(-9.8)t^2

Simplifying the equations, we get:

gt^2 - 2h = 0
-9.8t^2 + vit - 2h = 0

Now, we can solve these equations for t using the quadratic formula:

t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

where a, b, and c are the coefficients in the quadratic equations. Plugging in the values, we get:

t = (-vit ± √(vi^2t^2 - 4(-9.8)(-2h))) / 2(-9.8)

Simplifying further, we get:

t = (-vit ± √(vi^2t^2 + 78.4h)) / 19.6

Note: The ± sign indicates that there are two possible solutions for t, one for when the stone is on its way up and one for when it is on its way down. We are only interested in the positive value of t when the stones meet, so we can ignore the negative solution.

So, the time t when the two stones meet is:

t = (-vit + √(vi^2t^2 + 78.4h)) / 19.6

derive the folling equiations from first princples


To derive the equation v2^2 = v1^2 + 2ad, we can start with the equations of motion.

We know that acceleration (a) is the rate of change of velocity (v) with respect to time (t). Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

a = (v2 - v1) / t (Equation 1)

We also know that velocity is the rate of change of displacement (d) with respect to time. So, we can write:

v1 = d / t (Equation 2)

v2 = (d + 2ad) / t (Equation 3)

Now, let's manipulate Equation 3 to solve for d:

v2 * t = d + 2ad (Equation 4)

Now, substitute Equation 2 into Equation 4 to eliminate d:

v2 * t = v1 * t + 2a(v1 * t) (Equation 5)

Simplifying Equation 5, we get:

v2 * t = v1 * t + 2v1at

Divide both sides of the equation by t:

v2 = v1 + 2at

Now, let's square both sides of the equation:

v2^2 = (v1 + 2at)^2
= v1^2 + 4av1t + 4a^2t^2

Notice that 4av1t can be written as 2(2av1t) and 4a^2t^2 can be written as 2(2a^2t^2). Thus,

v2^2 = v1^2 + 2(2av1t + 2a^2t^2)
= v1^2 + 2a(2v1t + at^2)
= v1^2 + 2ad

Therefore, we have derived the equation v2^2 = v1^2 + 2ad from first principles.

derive the folling equiations from first princples

b) d=v2t-1/2at^2

a) To derive the equation v2^2 = v1^2 + 2ad from first principles, we can start with the equations of motion.

We know that acceleration (a) is the rate of change of velocity (v) with respect to time (t). Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

a = (v2 - v1) / t (Equation 1)

From Equation 1, we can rearrange it to get v2 - v1 = at. Now, we square both sides of this equation:

(v2 - v1)^2 = (at)^2
v2^2 - 2v1v2 + v1^2 = a^2t^2

Now, we know that the displacement (d) can be expressed as the average velocity (v_avg) multiplied by time (t):

d = v_avg * t

The average velocity can be expressed as the sum of the initial velocity (v1) and the final velocity (v2), divided by 2:

v_avg = (v1 + v2) / 2

Substituting this into the equation for displacement, we get:

d = ((v1 + v2) / 2) * t
2d = v1t + v2t

Now, let's substitute this expression for 2d into the earlier equation:

v2^2 - 2v1v2 + v1^2 = a^2t^2

v2^2 - 2v1v2 + v1^2 = a^2(v1t + v2t)

Distribute the a^2 to the terms on the right side:

v2^2 - 2v1v2 + v1^2 = a^2v1t + a^2v2t

Now, group the terms:

v2^2 - (2v1v2 + a^2v2t) + (v1^2 - a^2v1t) = 0

Factor out v2 from the second term, and factor out v1 from the third term:

v2^2 - v2(2v1 + a^2t) + v1(v1 - a^2t) = 0

Now, we see that this equation is in the form of a quadratic equation in terms of v2. For a quadratic equation of the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, the solutions for x can be found using the quadratic formula:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

Comparing this to the equation we have, we can identify:

a = 1
b = -2v1 - a^2t = -2v1 - t
c = v1(v1 - a^2t) = v1(v1 - t)

Now, we can use the quadratic formula to find the solutions for v2:

v2 = (-(2v1 + t) ± √((2v1 + t)^2 - 4v1(v1 - t))) / 2

Simplifying further, we get:

v2 = (-2v1 - t ± √(4v1^2 + 4tv1 + t^2 - 4v1^2 + 4v1t)) / 2
v2 = (-2v1 - t ± √(4tv1 + t^2 + 4v1t)) / 2
v2 = (-2v1 - t ± √(t(4v1 + t))) / 2
v2 = -v1 - t/2 ± √(t(4v1 + t)) / 2

Since time cannot be negative, we can ignore the negative solution for v2:

v2 = -v1 - t/2 + √(t(4v1 + t)) / 2

Therefore, v2^2 = v1^2 + 2ad.

b) To derive the equation d = v2t - (1/2)at^2 from first principles, we will use the equations of motion.

We know that acceleration (a) is the rate of change of velocity (v) with respect to time (t). Applying this definition, we can express acceleration as:

a = (v2 - v1) / t (Equation 1)

Multiplying both sides of Equation 1 by t, we get:

at = v2 - v1

Now, let's integrate both sides of this equation with respect to time:

∫ at dt = ∫ (v2 - v1) dt

Integrating the left side with respect to t gives:

(1/2)at^2 = v2t - v1t + C

where C is the constant of integration.

Now, let's rearrange this equation to solve for displacement (d):

(1/2)at^2 = v2t - v1t + C

Subtracting v2t and adding v1t to both sides, we have:

(1/2)at^2 + v1t - v2t = C

To determine the value of the constant of integration (C), we can consider the initial conditions. Let's assume that at t=0, the displacement (d) is 0. Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

(1/2)(0)^2 + v1(0) + C = 0
C = 0

Therefore, the equation becomes:

(1/2)at^2 + v1t - v2t = 0

Combining the terms with t, we have:

(1/2)at^2 + (v1 - v2)t = 0

Factoring out t, we get:

t((1/2)at + v1 - v2) = 0

Since we are solving for t, t cannot be zero. Thus, we ignore this solution.

Now, dividing both sides by ((1/2)at + v1 - v2), we obtain:

t = 0 / ((1/2)at + v1 - v2)

Simplifying further, we find:

t = -2v1 / (a - 2v2/a)

Now, let's multiply both sides of the equation by (-2a/a) to eliminate fractions:

-t * 2a/a = 2v1 * 2a / (a - 2v2/a)

Therefore, we get:

-2at = 4v1a / (a - 2v2/a)

Expanding the right side, we get:

-2at = 4v1a^2 / (a - 2v2/a)

Simplifying further, we have:

-2at = 4v1a^2 / (a^2 - 2v2)

Now, let's bring all terms to one side of the equation:

0 = 4v1a^2 / (a^2 - 2v2) + 2at

Now, combining the terms under a common denominator, we get:

0 = 4v1a^2 + 2at(a^2 - 2v2) / (a^2 - 2v2)

Simplifying this equation further, we obtain:

0 = 4v1a^2 + 2a^3t - 4v2at

Now, let's remove 2a as a common factor from the right side:

0 = 2a(2v1a + a^2t - 2v2t)

Finally, we can divide both sides by -2a to get the equation in the desired form:

0 = 2v1a + a^2t - 2v2t

Rearranging the terms gives:

2v2t - a^2t = 2v1a

Now, let's factor out t:

t(2v2 - a^2) = 2v1a

Finally, we divide both sides by (2v2 - a^2) to isolate t:

t = (2v1a) / (2v2 - a^2)

Simplifying further, we have:

t = 2v1a / (2v2 - a^2)

Therefore, we have derived the equation d = v2t - (1/2)at^2 from first principles.

To find the time at which the two stones meet, we need to determine the time it takes for each stone to reach the same height.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Determine the time for the stone thrown upward to reach its maximum height.

The velocity of the stone thrown upward at any given time t is given by:

v(t) = v₀ - gt

where v₀ is the initial velocity (v₀ = v) and g is the acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.8 m/s²).

At the maximum height, the velocity v(t) becomes zero. Therefore, we can find the time t₁ it takes for the stone thrown upward to reach its maximum height by setting v(t) = 0:

0 = v - gt₁

Solving for t₁, we get:

t₁ = v/g

Step 2: Determine the time it takes for the stone dropped to reach the same height.

Using the equation of motion for a freely falling object, the position y(t) of the stone dropped at any given time t is given by:

y(t) = h + v₀t - (1/2)gt²

where y(t) is the height at time t, h is the initial height (h is given), and v₀ is the initial velocity (v₀ = 0 since the stone is dropped).

We want to find the time t₂ it takes for the stone dropped to reach the same height, so we set y(t) = 0:

0 = h - (1/2)gt₂²

Solving for t₂, we get:

t₂ = sqrt(2h/g)

Step 3: Find the time at which the two stones meet.

Since we want to find the time at which the two stones meet, we need to find when t₁ = t₂.

Substituting the expressions for t₁ and t₂, we have:

v/g = sqrt(2h/g)

Squaring both sides of the equation, we get:

(v/g)² = 2h/g

Simplifying, we have:

(v/g)² = 2h/g

v²/g² = 2h/g

v² = 2hg

Finally, we solve for time t:

t = sqrt(2h/g)

So, at time t, the two stones will meet.

To find the time at which the two stones meet, we need to determine the time it takes for each stone to reach the same height.

Let's break down the problem into two parts:

Part 1: Stone dropped off the cliff:
When an object is dropped from a height h, we can determine the time it takes to fall using the formula for free fall:
h = (1/2) * g * t^2

- h is the height of the cliff
- g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)
- t is the time it takes for the stone to fall

Rearranging the formula, we get:
t^2 = (2h) / g

Taking the square root of both sides, we can find the time, t:
t = √((2h) / g)

Part 2: Stone thrown upward:
To find the time it takes for the second stone to reach the height h, we first need to determine the time it takes for the stone to reach its maximum height. At that point, its velocity will be zero, and then it will start falling back down.

We can use the following kinematic equation to find the time it takes to reach the maximum height:
v = u + gt

- v is the final velocity (zero at the maximum height)
- u is the initial velocity (v_i)
- g is the acceleration due to gravity (same as above)
- t is the time

Rearrange the formula to solve for time, t:
t = (v - u) / g

Now we can calculate the time it takes for the stone to reach the maximum height. Keep in mind that the initial velocity (v_i) is upward, so it is positive:
t1 = (0 - v_i) / g
= -v_i / g

Finally, we need to consider the time it takes for the stone to fall back down from the maximum height to the height of the cliff (h).

Using the formula for free fall, we can determine the time it takes to fall from the maximum height to the height of the cliff:
h = (1/2) * g * t2^2

Rearrange the formula to solve for time, t2:
t2^2 = (2h) / g

Taking the square root of both sides, we can find the time, t2:
t2 = √((2h) / g)

Therefore, the total time it takes for the second stone to reach the height of the cliff is:
t = t1 + t2 = -v_i / g + √((2h) / g)

Note: Since the problem assumes that the second stone is thrown hard enough, the equation above will give the time at which the two stones meet.