Emily often visits websites and reads articles, but she does not interact with the content, comment on posts, nor share articles she reads with others. She clears her browser history every week and deletes all cookies. Which of the following options describes Emily's digital footprint?

Both active and passive footprint.

Passive digital footprint

Active digital footprint.

No digital footprint.

No digital footprint.

The correct answer is "Passive digital footprint." Emily's digital footprint is passive because she does not actively engage with the content she consumes online or leave any trace of her interactions such as comments or shares. However, her online activities can still be tracked by websites and platforms through cookies and browser history, even though she clears them regularly. Thus, she has a passive digital footprint.

To determine which option describes Emily's digital footprint, we need to understand the concepts of active and passive footprints.

An active digital footprint refers to the information that an individual willingly shares online, such as posting on social media, commenting on articles or blogs, and interacting with content.

A passive digital footprint, on the other hand, consists of the data that is collected and recorded about an individual's online activities without their direct involvement. This includes information like IP addresses, browsing history, and cookies.

In Emily's case, she does not interact with the online content, comment on posts, or share articles with others. However, it is mentioned that she visits websites, reads articles, clears her browsing history, and deletes cookies regularly. These actions indicate that there is still some data being collected about her online activities in the form of a passive digital footprint.

Therefore, the correct option that describes Emily's digital footprint is: Passive digital footprint.