- In not less than 200 words, write a letter to a friend of yours in another school and tell him or her about your plans in this new academic Session.​

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As the new academic session is about to begin, I wanted to reach out and share my plans with you.

Firstly, I am filled with excitement and enthusiasm for what this new academic year holds. The past year has been quite a roller coaster, but I am grateful for the opportunity to start fresh and make the most of my education. With a renewed sense of motivation, I am committed to making this year my best one yet.

One of my main goals for this academic session is to improve my time management skills. I have realized that effective time management is key to achieving academic success and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. To achieve this, I have purchased a planner and will allocate specific time slots for studying, extracurricular activities, and personal relaxation. I believe this will help me stay organized and avoid overwhelming myself.

Furthermore, I plan to actively participate in various clubs and organizations to enhance my skills and meet new people. Last year, I was quite hesitant to get involved in extracurricular activities, but this year, I am determined to step out of my comfort zone. I have already signed up for the debate club and the drama society. I am excited to develop my communication and public speaking skills, as well as showcase my talent for acting.

In addition to my academic and extracurricular pursuits, I also plan to prioritize my mental and physical well-being. This means making time for regular exercise, practicing mindfulness and self-care, and ensuring I get enough restful sleep. Taking care of myself is vital for maintaining a healthy mindset and being able to perform at my best academically.

I am looking forward to hearing about your plans for the new academic session as well. I hope we can support and motivate each other in achieving our goals. Let's stay connected and make the most of this academic year.

Wishing you all the best,

[Your Name]

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I was thrilled to receive your last letter and hear about your experiences in your new school. It has been quite a while since we last caught up, and I have so much to share with you as well. As the new academic session begins, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead.

First and foremost, I am thrilled to let you know that I have been elected as the Class Representative for our batch. It is both an honor and a responsibility that I take very seriously. I am looking forward to working closely with our teachers and peers to create a positive and inclusive learning environment for everyone.

Additionally, I have enrolled in a few new extracurricular activities this year. I have joined the school choir and am excited about the upcoming performances we have planned. Singing has always been a passion of mine, and I am eager to improve my skills and share my love for music with others.

Moreover, I am also participating in the school's annual science fair. I have chosen to work on a project about renewable energy sources and their impact on the environment. It is a topic I am deeply passionate about, and I hope to bring awareness to the importance of sustainable energy in our lives.

In terms of academics, I have set some ambitious goals for myself this year. I plan to be more organized, manage my time effectively, and excel in all my subjects. I have decided to dedicate more time to studying and seek guidance from my teachers whenever needed.

Lastly, I have also made a resolution to prioritize my health and well-being. I have started incorporating regular exercise and healthy eating habits into my daily routine. I believe that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and I want to ensure that I am at my best both physically and mentally.

I cannot wait to hear about your plans for this new academic session as well. I hope we can share our experiences and support each other in reaching our goals. Please do write back soon and keep me updated.

Take care and best wishes for a successful year ahead!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]