This theory of creation proposes there was an long period of time between the first 5 verses of Genesis 1. (from one of the following)

Deistic Evolution
Theistic Evolution
Fiat Creationism
Progressive Creationism

Progressive Creationism

The theory you are referring to is Progressive Creationism. According to Progressive Creationism, there was a long period of time, often millions or billions of years, between each creative act mentioned in the first five verses of Genesis 1. This theory suggests that God created different forms of life at different times, allowing for evolutionary processes within each distinct act of creation.

The theory you described, which suggests that there was a long period of time between the first five verses of Genesis 1, aligns most closely with Progressive Creationism.

To understand how to identify the correct theory, let's break down the different options:

1. Deistic Evolution:
Deistic Evolution is a belief system that combines aspects of deism and evolution. It posits that a higher power or deity created the universe but does not play an active role in its development or ongoing processes. This theory does not specifically propose a long period of time between the first five verses of Genesis 1.

2. Theistic Evolution:
Theistic Evolution is a viewpoint that reconciles the theory of evolution with the belief in a creator God. It asserts that God initiated evolution as the mechanism for creating life on earth. Similar to Deistic Evolution, Theistic Evolution does not typically propose a time gap between the first five verses of Genesis.

3. Fiat Creationism:
Fiat Creationism is a theory that believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible, asserting that God created everything in six literal 24-hour days. This theory does not support a significant time gap between the first five verses of Genesis.

4. Progressive Creationism:
Progressive Creationism is a belief that combines elements of both biblical creationism and the scientific understanding of an old earth. It proposes that God created the universe and life over an extended period, adopting a sequential order. This theory suggests that there could be a substantial time gap between the events described in the first five verses of Genesis.

Considering the options, the theory that proposes a long period of time between the first five verses of Genesis 1 is Progressive Creationism.