A sliCe of cheese is 3.0 degrees Celsius and is sitting on a dish that is 3.0 degrees Celsius. If the dish and cheese are in a refrigerator that is set to 3.0degress Celsius, which of the following statements is true?

The statement "The temperature of the cheese and dish will remain at 3.0 degrees Celsius" is true.

Based on the provided information, the cheese, dish, and refrigerator are all at the same temperature of 3.0 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the following statement is true:

"The temperature of the cheese, dish, and refrigerator is the same, at 3.0 degrees Celsius."

To determine which of the following statements is true, we need to compare the temperatures of the cheese, dish, and the refrigerator:

1. "The cheese is colder than the dish."
2. "The cheese is the same temperature as the dish."
3. "The cheese is warmer than the dish."

Since all the temperatures in the scenario are exactly the same at 3.0 degrees Celsius, the correct statement is:

2. "The cheese is the same temperature as the dish."

In this case, the cheese and the dish have reached thermal equilibrium, meaning they are at the same temperature.