Should you be concerned about your safety and security when working on platforms that are part of the university’s domain? Answer yes or no, and indicate why.

Yes, nobody wants anybody to get hurt online, so, you should be savvy about online safety issues.  

No, online safety is a myth that needs to be debunked, as there are no security practices that can keep you safe online.  

Yes, a university’s digital platforms are often more public than private, which means data protection is important.   

No, online safety is secured if your devices are linked to a university’s online network. 

Yes, a university's digital platforms may have sensitive information and data, so it is important to be concerned about safety and security. It is necessary to protect personal and confidential information from unauthorized access or misuse.

Yes, you should be concerned about your safety and security when working on platforms that are part of the university's domain. A university's digital platforms are often more public than private, which means data protection is important. It is crucial to take precautions to safeguard your personal information and ensure your online activities are secure.

Yes, you should be concerned about your safety and security when working on platforms that are part of the university's domain. This is because a university's digital platforms are often more public than private, and data protection is important. While the university may have security measures in place, it is still important for individuals to be savvy about online safety issues to prevent potential risks. It is not enough to rely solely on the security of the university's network; individuals should also take steps to protect their own devices and practice safe online habits.