When planning activities for after school daycare program, the teacher aide should provide

A-Drilling and thinking activities which carry over from the school curriculum
B-Activities that are highly structured and demanding
C-A choice of activities inorder to foster independence
D-Activities that require detailed instructions and must be set up by the children

C- A choice of activities in order to foster independence.

C- A choice of activities in order to foster independence.

It is important for teacher aides to provide a choice of activities in an after school daycare program. This fosters independence in children and allows them to make decisions about what they want to do. It also encourages them to take responsibility for their own learning and helps to develop problem-solving skills. By offering a variety of options, teacher aides can cater to different interests and preferences, ensuring that children are engaged and motivated to participate in the activities.

When planning activities for an after-school daycare program, the teacher aide should provide a combination of activities that cater to the various needs and interests of the children.

Firstly, it is important to choose activities that align with the school curriculum. These activities should involve drilling and thinking exercises that reinforce the concepts learned during the school day. This helps to solidify the knowledge and skills the children have acquired in class.

Secondly, it can be beneficial to include activities that are highly structured and demanding. These types of activities help to develop discipline, focus, and concentration, while also challenging the children to push themselves and excel in different areas.

Additionally, it is crucial to offer a choice of activities. This fosters independence and empowers the children to make their own decisions. Providing options allows children to explore their own interests and engage in activities that they find enjoyable and meaningful.

Lastly, it is recommended to include activities that require detailed instructions and allow the children to set them up themselves. This promotes problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity. Giving children the opportunity to take ownership of the setup process encourages them to think independently and develop a sense of responsibility.

In summary, the teacher aide should provide drilling and thinking activities that carry over from the school curriculum, a combination of structured and demanding activities, a choice of activities to foster independence, and activities that require detailed instructions and can be set up by the children themselves. By offering this variety, the after-school daycare program can cater to the different needs and interests of the children, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging experience.