Which one of the following statements about the development of a child language skills is correct

A-language skills should be taught only
B-Asking leading questions can hinder language development
C-Reading aloud to children encourages language development
D-Children should wait until an activity is completed before talking about it

C- Reading aloud to children encourages language development

The correct statement about the development of a child's language skills is:

C- Reading aloud to children encourages language development.

To determine which statement about the development of a child's language skills is correct, let's analyze each option:

A- Language skills should be taught only: This statement is not entirely correct. While formal language instruction can provide additional support, language skills are primarily acquired through natural processes, such as exposure, interaction, and practice. Teaching alone cannot guarantee the complete development of a child's language skills.

B- Asking leading questions can hinder language development: This statement is correct. Asking leading questions, which provide too much guidance or suggest a particular answer, can limit a child's opportunity to express their own thoughts, ideas, and opinions. It is important to encourage open-ended questions that promote critical thinking and encourage children to articulate their own ideas.

C- Reading aloud to children encourages language development: This statement is correct. Reading aloud to children has numerous benefits for their language development. It exposes them to a wide range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and narrative patterns. It also sparks their imagination, enhances listening comprehension, and fosters a positive relationship with reading and language.

D- Children should wait until an activity is completed before talking about it: This statement is not entirely correct. Encouraging children to discuss ongoing activities promotes language development, as they learn to express their thoughts and engage in conversations. However, it is also important to teach children to respect others' attention and not interrupt or dominate conversations.

In conclusion, based on the options provided, statement C - "Reading aloud to children encourages language development" is the correct statement.