richard has a bag of 30 sweets. richard shares the sweets with a friend. for every 3 sweets richard eats, he gives his friend 2 sweets. how many sweets do they each eat

For every 3 sweets Richard eats, he gives his friend 2 sweets.

Therefore, they each eat 3 + 2 = 5 sweets.
Since there are 30 sweets, they each eat a total of 30/5 = <<30/5=6>>6 sweets. Answer: \boxed{6}.

To find out how many sweets Richard and his friend each eat, we need to follow the given information.

1. Richard has a total of 30 sweets in his bag.
2. For every 3 sweets Richard eats, he gives his friend 2 sweets.

Let's break down the process step-by-step:

1. Richard eats 3 sweets.
- Richard now has 30 - 3 = 27 sweets left.
2. Richard gives his friend 2 sweets.
- Richard's friend now has 2 sweets.
3. Richard eats 3 sweets.
- Richard now has 26 - 3 = 24 sweets left.
4. Richard gives his friend 2 sweets.
- Richard's friend now has 2 + 2 = 4 sweets.
5. Richard eats 3 sweets.
- Richard now has 24 - 3 = 21 sweets left.
6. Richard gives his friend 2 sweets.
- Richard's friend now has 4 + 2 = 6 sweets.

From the above steps, we can see that Richard ate a total of 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 sweets.
And his friend ate a total of 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 sweets.

So, Richard ate 9 sweets and his friend ate 6 sweets.

To determine how many sweets Richard and his friend each eat, we need to consider the ratio of sweets that Richard consumes versus the number he gives to his friend.

For every 3 sweets Richard eats, he gives his friend 2 sweets. This means that for every 3 + 2 = 5 sweets total, they both consume 3 sweets.

Now, we can calculate how many sets of 5 sweets are present in the bag of 30 sweets.

30 divided by 5 equals 6, meaning there are 6 sets of 5 sweets.

Knowing that each set of 5 sweets is composed of 3 sweets for Richard and 2 for his friend, we can multiply the number of sets (6) by the number of sweets each set contains:

6 sets * 3 sweets per set = 18 sweets that Richard eats
6 sets * 2 sweets per set = 12 sweets that his friend eats

Therefore, Richard eats 18 sweets, while his friend eats 12 sweets.