which property is 5-3=3-5

The property that applies to 5 - 3 = 3 - 5 is the commutative property of addition. The commutative property states that the order in which numbers are added does not affect the sum.

The property you are referring to is called the commutative property of subtraction. According to this property, when subtracting two numbers, changing the order of the numbers does not affect the result. In this case, 5-3 is equal to 3-5, both of which evaluate to -2.

The property that shows that "5 - 3" is equal to "3 - 5" is called the commutative property of subtraction.

The commutative property of subtraction states that changing the order of the two numbers being subtracted does not change the result. In other words, you can swap the positions of the numbers and still get the same answer.

To see why "5 - 3" is equal to "3 - 5," let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Calculate "5 - 3"
When you subtract 3 from 5, you get the result of 2.

Step 2: Calculate "3 - 5"
When you subtract 5 from 3, you get the result of -2.

Therefore, we can see that "5 - 3" is equal to 2, and "3 - 5" is equal to -2. So, according to the commutative property of subtraction, these two expressions are equivalent.