The Hebrew people demonstrated their reliance upon God by obeying His commands.





The Hebrew people, also known as the Israelites, believed in a monotheistic religion, worshipping only one God. They considered God to be their protector, provider, and the source of their blessings. As a demonstration of their reliance upon God, they followed His commandments, which were given to them through various prophets and leaders.

To confirm the answer, you can study the religious texts of Judaism, particularly the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), which contains the commandments and laws given by God to the Israelites. Additionally, you can explore historical accounts and narratives describing the behavior and actions of the Hebrew people as evidence of their reliance upon God.

It is important to note that the level of obedience to God's commands may have varied among individuals and throughout different periods in Hebrew history. However, as a general principle, the Hebrew people emphasized their reliance on God by following His commands.