Select a different story or poem from this unit Identify a iterary element in the chosen selection such as tone, imagery, or symbolism. Explain how the events and/or ideas in the story and/or poem exhibit tone, imagery, or symbolism Include at least two supporting details or examples. Be sure to include the title of the selection and the author.

Title: "The Raven"

Author: Edgar Allan Poe

In Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven," symbolism plays a significant role in conveying the overall tone and creating a haunting atmosphere. The repeated appearance of the Raven symbolizes various aspects, including the narrator's grief, the idea of death and the macabre, and the concept of the unending anguish.

One example of symbolism in "The Raven" can be seen in the Raven itself. Its appearance at the narrator's chamber door represents the narrator's overwhelming grief and his inability to escape it. The Raven, a black bird associated with death and misfortune, serves as a constant reminder of the narrator's lost love, Lenore. The narrator asks the Raven a series of questions, seeking answers about his deceased beloved, but the constant repetition of the Raven's reply, "Nevermore," deepens the sense of despair and hopelessness.

Furthermore, the physical imagery used in the poem enhances the haunting tone. For instance, the description of the Raven's presence is vividly depicted in lines such as "And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting." This repetition emphasizes the bird's stationary nature, contributing to the atmosphere of melancholy and dread. The use of dark and eerie descriptions throughout the poem, such as "Each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor," creates a visual image of a desolate and gloomy setting, adding to the overall tone.

Another literary element that can be observed in "The Raven" is the tone. The poem exudes a somber and mournful tone, courtesy of the narrator's grief and despair. The repetitive use of words and phrases like "nevermore," "darkness," and "ghastly grim" establishes a sense of inevitability and sorrow. The tone intensifies along with the progression of the poem until it reaches a climax of despair in the final stanzas, where the narrator becomes consumed by grief and accepts that he will be haunted and tormented forever.

Overall, the symbolism, imagery, and tone in "The Raven" work together to create a haunting and gloomy atmosphere. The Raven symbolizes grief, death, and the narrator's perpetual torment. The vivid imagery conjures up a macabre setting, while the mournful tone captures the depths of despair. These literary elements contribute to the poem's lasting impact and its place as one of Poe's most celebrated works.

Title of the selection: "The Raven"

Author: Edgar Allan Poe

Literary element: Symbolism

In Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven," symbolism is a prevalent literary element that is used to convey deeper meaning and enhance the overall atmosphere of the poem.

1. The titular raven symbolizes death and a looming sense of despair. Throughout the poem, the raven repeatedly utters the word "nevermore," which becomes a symbol of the narrator's inability to escape from his grief over the death of his beloved Lenore. The repetition of this word reinforces the theme of loss and creates a sense of hopelessness.

Example: "Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'" (line 48).

2. The color black symbolizes darkness, depression, and mourning. This imagery is present not only in the physical description of the raven but also in its association with death and sorrow. The black feathers and dark presence of the raven serve to intensify the somber tone of the poem.

Example: "And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting / On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door" (lines 47-48).

These examples demonstrate how symbolism is used in "The Raven" to create a specific tone and heighten the sense of despair and grief in the poem. The presence of the raven, with its repeated utterance of "nevermore" and its association with darkness, effectively conveys the narrator's emotional state and contributes to the overall atmosphere of melancholy.

In order to complete this task, you will need to choose a specific unit or collection of stories or poems to work from. Once you have selected a unit or collection, you can follow these steps to identify a literary element and analyze how it is exhibited in a specific story or poem:

1. Choose a different story or poem from the selected unit: Look through the unit or collection you have chosen and select a different story or poem that you find interesting and want to analyze.

2. Identify a literary element: Review the various literary elements such as tone, imagery, or symbolism, and choose one that you believe is present in your selected story or poem. Literary elements are tools used by authors to convey deeper meanings or messages in their works.

3. Analyze the events and/or ideas: Now, you need to examine how the events and/or ideas in the story or poem exhibit the literary element you have chosen. Consider the overall tone, specific instances of imagery, or recurring symbols that can be found in the piece.

4. Provide supporting details or examples: To support your analysis, find at least two specific examples or details from the story or poem that demonstrate the presence of the chosen literary element. These examples should clearly illustrate how the events and/or ideas in the selection exhibit the literary element you have identified.

5. Include title and author: Don't forget to include the title of the selection and the author in order to properly attribute the work.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully complete the task of identifying a literary element, explaining its exhibition in the chosen story or poem, and providing supporting details or examples.