Use the sentence to answer the question.

“Many mistakes were made today,” the coach said after the team’s loss.

Which option turns the sentence that is written in passive voice into active voice?

(1 point)

The coach said the mistakes made the team lose.
The coach said the mistakes made the team lose.

The coach said the team lost by making many mistakes.
The coach said the team lost by making many mistakes.

The team's loss was caused by mistakes being made.
The team's loss was caused by mistakes being made.

The team lost the game because the players made mistakes.
The team lost the game because the players made mistakes.

The team lost the game because the players made mistakes.

Use the paragraph to complete the activity.

The triumphant tennis player [to feel] proud of himself. He [to see] all of his efforts pay off in this one match. The fans [to cheer], the cameras [to flash], and victory [to claim].

Rewrite the paragraph by making the verbs agree in number with their subject.

(2 points)

The triumphant tennis player felt proud of himself. He saw all of his efforts pay off in this one match. The fans cheered, the cameras flashed, and victory was claimed.

The team lost the game because the players made mistakes.

The correct option that turns the sentence written in passive voice into active voice is:

The team lost the game because the players made mistakes.

In the original sentence, the subject "the coach" is the one speaking, and the action of making mistakes is happening to the subject "the team". This is an example of a passive voice construction. To convert it into active voice, where the subject performs the action, we need to rephrase the sentence to show the subject performing the action. In this case, the subject "the players" are the ones making the mistakes and causing the team's loss. So, the active voice sentence would read: "The team lost the game because the players made mistakes."