Create me an situational example of edacious in a short way

The edacious lion pounced upon the unsuspecting gazelle, ravenously tearing into its flesh to satisfy its insatiable hunger.

Situational Example:

Imagine a person named Ryan who has always had an edacious appetite. One day, he attends a buffet with his friends. As soon as they enter the restaurant, the sight of the mouthwatering dishes triggers Ryan's edacious instincts. He eagerly scans the tables set with an array of delicious food, unable to resist the temptation. Without thinking twice, Ryan lunges towards the buffet, piling his plate high with heaping portions of every dish available. His friends watch in astonishment as he devours the food with edacious speed, leaving them amazed by his insatiable hunger.

Sure! Here's a situational example using the word "edacious":

Imagine you are attending a dinner party with friends. The host, who is known for their culinary talents, brings out a beautifully prepared, mouth-watering main course. As everyone starts to politely serve themselves, one guest, let's call him John, can't resist his edacious appetite. He quickly devours his portion, and without hesitation, reaches over to take extra helpings from the serving dish. His edacious nature is evident as he consumes a substantial amount of food, not allowing others a fair chance to enjoy it.