Word for the example and explanation

An appropriate word for "example and explanation" could be "illustration."

The word you are looking for is "illustration." An illustration is a visual aid or example that helps to clarify or explain a concept or idea. It is often used to provide a clear representation or depiction of something, making it easier for others to understand.

The word for an example and explanation together is "illustration".

To find the word "illustration," you can try the following steps:

1. Start by identifying the context or subject that the word relates to. In this case, we are looking for a word that means both an example and an explanation.

2. Make use of online dictionaries or thesauruses. Websites like Merriam-Webster, Oxford Dictionaries, or Thesaurus.com can be helpful. Enter keywords such as "example," "explanation," or "synonyms for example and explanation" in the search bar.

3. Browse through the search results and check the definitions and synonyms provided. Look for words that capture the combined meaning of both an example and explanation.

4. In this case, the word "illustration" fits the description. It can mean both a visual representation or demonstration, as well as an explanation or description of something.

5. Once you have found a potential word, cross-reference it with other sources to ensure its accuracy and appropriateness for your specific use.

Remember, using resources like online dictionaries, thesauruses, or even physical books can help you find the word you are looking for and expand your vocabulary.