A frog has fallen in a pit that is 30 m deep

Each day it climbs 3 m and falls back 2 m at night
How many days did it take to escape from the pit

Each day, the frog is able to climb 1 meter (3 meters up - 2 meters down).

To escape a 30 meter pit, the frog will need to climb an extra meter on the last day.

Therefore, it will take the frog 30 days to escape from the pit.

To calculate the number of days it took the frog to escape from the pit, we can determine how many cycles of climbing and falling it will need to complete.

Let's break down the steps:

1. Each day, the frog climbs 3 m.
2. Each night, the frog falls back 2 m.

In each cycle (one day and one night), the frog will have a net gain of 3 m - 2 m = 1 m.

To escape a 30 m pit, the frog needs to complete 30 cycles of climbing and falling.

Therefore, it will take the frog 30 cycles * 1 day per cycle = 30 days to escape from the pit.

To determine the number of days it took for the frog to escape from the pit, we can follow these steps:

1. Calculate the net distance the frog climbs each day. This can be done by subtracting the amount it falls back at night from the distance it climbs during the day. In this case, the frog climbs 3 m and falls back 2 m, so the net distance climbed each day is 3 m - 2 m = 1 m.

2. Calculate the total number of days it takes to fill the pit depth of 30 m using the net distance climbed each day. Since the net distance climbed each day is 1 m and the pit depth is 30 m, we can divide the pit depth by the net distance climbed each day: 30 m รท 1 m/day = 30 days.

Therefore, it took the frog 30 days to escape from the pit.