What Sumerian achievement do you think is the most it and why

One of the most significant achievements of the Sumerians was the development of writing, particularly the invention of cuneiform script. This form of writing, which was created around 3200 BCE, allowed for the recording of various types of information on clay tablets. The cuneiform script marked the beginning of written communication and documentation in human history, and it played a crucial role in the Sumerian civilization's growth and organization.

The invention of cuneiform script was a remarkable achievement because it revolutionized the way information was stored and transferred. Prior to this development, humans relied on oral tradition to pass down knowledge and information across generations. With the creation of cuneiform, the Sumerians could now permanently record legal, administrative, and religious texts, as well as literary works such as poems and myths.

Cuneiform script enabled more efficient record-keeping, legal documentation, and communication between Sumerian cities. It facilitated the growth of complex societies by allowing for the organization of resources, the development of governmental systems, and the establishment of social hierarchies.

Furthermore, the development of writing had a profound impact on the progress of human civilization as a whole. It laid the foundation for future writing systems, shaping the way information is transmitted and preserved to this day. The concept of writing spread from the Sumerians to other neighboring civilizations, such as the Akkadians and Babylonians, and eventually influenced the development of alphabets, including the ones used in modern languages.

In conclusion, the invention of cuneiform script by the Sumerians is arguably their most impactful achievement due to its enduring influence on human communication and the preservation of knowledge. It provided the basis for written history, administration, and cultural exchange, shaping the course of civilizations that followed.

One of the most significant Sumerian achievements was the development of written language known as cuneiform. Here's why it is considered as an important achievement:

1. Earliest Writing System: Sumerians developed cuneiform around 3200 BCE, making it one of the earliest known writing systems in human history. This invention laid the foundation for future written communication systems.

2. Record-Keeping and Administration: Cuneiform allowed Sumerians to keep written records of agricultural production, taxes, trade activities, and legal agreements. This enabled efficient administration, economic management, and better organization within their city-states.

3. Cultural and Literary Development: With the ability to record information, Sumerians expanded their cultural and literary heritage. They wrote epics, myths, hymns, and prayers on clay tablets, preserving their stories and beliefs for future generations.

4. Advancement of Education: Cuneiform offered opportunities for education, enabling the transmission of knowledge across generations. Scribes were trained to read and write, fostering a specialized class of individuals who held important roles in society.

5. Spread of Knowledge: As other civilizations encountered cuneiform through trade and conquest, they adopted and modified it for their own languages. This diffusion of writing systems contributed to the spread of knowledge and cultural exchange in the ancient world.

In summary, the development of cuneiform by the Sumerians had a profound impact on human civilization, as it facilitated record-keeping, cultural preservation, education, and the dissemination of knowledge across ancient societies.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide you with information to help you make your own judgment. When it comes to Sumerian achievements, there are several notable ones that are considered to be significant. Here are a few of them:

1. Development of Writing: The Sumerians are often credited with the invention of writing. They developed a system called cuneiform, which involved pressing stylus marks into clay tablets. This development allowed for the recording of information and ideas, leading to the preservation of knowledge.

2. Creation of the Wheel: The Sumerians are believed to have invented the wheel, which revolutionized transportation and allowed for the development of wheeled vehicles. This invention greatly impacted trade, agriculture, and the movement of goods and people.

3. Advancements in Mathematics: The Sumerians made significant contributions to mathematics. They developed a numeral system based on the concept of a base-60 system, which is still used for measuring time (60 seconds, 60 minutes in an hour). They also made progress in geometry and arithmetic.

4. Architectural Achievements: Sumerians built impressive structures like ziggurats, which were pyramid-like temples with multiple levels. These structures showcased their advanced architectural techniques and religious beliefs.

Ultimately, each of these achievements had a significant impact on the development of human civilization. It is up to you to determine which among them you consider the most important based on your own criteria and perspective.