Expand −5(−3 − 11g) .(1 point)


−55g − 15
negative 55 g minus 15

−55g + 15
negative 55 g plus 15

​​​55g − 15
55 g minus 15

55g + 15

55g + 15

To expand the expression −5(−3 − 11g), we need to distribute the -5 to both terms inside the parentheses.

-5 * -3 = 15
-5 * 11g = -55g

So, the expanded expression is: -55g + 15.

To expand the expression −5(−3 − 11g), you need to apply the distributive property. The distributive property states that you need to multiply the value outside the parentheses by each term inside the parentheses.

In this case, you need to multiply −5 by both −3 and −11g.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with −5.
2. Multiply −5 by −3: −5 * −3 = 15.
3. Multiply −5 by −11g: −5 * −11g = 55g.
4. Combine the results from step 2 and step 3.

As a result, the expanded form of −5(−3 − 11g) is 55g + 15.