the flow proof shows the staements that lead to the coclusion that a b in the diagram the reasons for each statement and flow proof are missing identify the reasons for each of the five statements shown in the flow proof and your response Given m<5=40, m<2=140

prove a//b

To properly identify the reasons for each statement in the flow proof, the actual flow proof statements would need to be provided. Once given, I can help you identify the reasons for each statement and proceed with proving a//b.

To identify the reasons for each of the five statements in the flow proof and prove that a is parallel to b, we need a bit more information about the flow proof itself. Could you please provide the statements and their respective justifications?

To prove that a//b, we need to show that the corresponding angles of the two parallel lines are equal. Let's break down the flow proof and determine the reasons for each statement given the information provided.

Statement 1: m<5 = 40 (Given)
Reason: This statement is given in the problem.

Statement 2: m<2 = 140 (Given)
Reason: This statement is also given in the problem.

Statement 3: <5 and <2 are vertical angles.
Reason: Vertical angles are opposite angles formed by intersecting lines. In this case, since <5 and <2 are across from each other and both lines intersect, they are vertical angles.

Statement 4: Vertical angles are congruent.
Reason: This is a basic geometric property - vertical angles are always equal in measure.

Statement 5: m<5 = m<2
Reason: Since <5 and <2 are vertical angles (Statement 3) and vertical angles are congruent (Statement 4), their measures must be equal.

Now, we have shown that the measure of <5 is equal to the measure of <2. Since <5 and <2 are corresponding angles of the two parallel lines, we can conclude that a//b based on the congruence of corresponding angles.

Remember that in a flow proof, each statement (given or proved) should have a clear reason or justification. By breaking down each statement and providing the reasons, we can ensure that the proof follows logically and accurately supports the desired conclusion.