Which of the following role of supporting details in a text?

To give the authors opinion about a text
To give information about topics related to the main topic
to help the reader understand the central idea
to show the reader how to find more details about the topic in other text

To give information about topics related to the main topic

The roles of supporting details in a text include:

1. To give information about topics related to the main topic: Supporting details provide additional facts, explanations, or examples that expand on the main topic and help the reader gain a deeper understanding of it.

2. To help the reader understand the central idea: Supporting details provide evidence or examples that support and clarify the main idea or central theme of a text. They help the reader grasp the main concept being conveyed.

3. To show the reader how to find more details about the topic in other texts: Supporting details may include references to other sources or texts that provide more in-depth information on the topic. These details guide the reader on where to find additional resources for further exploration.

However, the role of supporting details does not typically involve giving the author's opinion about a text. Supporting details are usually based on factual information and aim to provide objective support for the main topic.

The correct answer is: "To help the reader understand the central idea."

Supporting details in a text play a crucial role in helping the reader understand the central idea or main topic being discussed. These details provide additional information, evidence, or examples that support or strengthen the main idea of the text. They help to provide clarity, context, and depth to the central idea, making it easier for the reader to comprehend and engage with the text.

To determine the role of supporting details in a text, you can go through the following steps:

1. Identify the main topic or central idea of the text. This is typically presented in the introduction or thesis statement of the text.

2. Look for specific details within the text that relate to, support, or expand upon the main topic. These details should provide explanations, examples, evidence, or statistics that enhance the reader's understanding of the central idea.

3. Evaluate whether these supporting details contribute to a better comprehension of the central idea. Do they provide relevant and meaningful information that supports the main topic? If so, they are likely playing a role in helping the reader understand the central idea.

In the given options:
- Giving the author's opinion about a text is not the role of supporting details. Supporting details are focused on providing evidence and information, rather than personal opinions.
- Giving information about topics related to the main topic is a valid role of supporting details. These details help to provide a broader understanding and context for the main topic.
- Showing the reader how to find more details about the topic in other texts is not the role of supporting details. It falls more under the category of providing external resources or references.

Therefore, out of the given options, the correct role of supporting details in a text is to help the reader understand the central idea.