Lightner no your get killed, get down! You will break your neck if you fall. Cried Everson

I don't think so replied Lightner, as if asking a question. Diecol says I will just hit the water and be alright. But I don't know about that.
Yes you will just hit the water, and die replied Lindo gosh

No no he won't he will be alright, besides he won't do it any way his a wimp. Said Deicol

Am not I am going to do it! replied Lightner

Don't shouted Everson, Don't I am just warning you

I understand that Everson is concerned for Lightner's safety and does not want him to jump.

Yeh add more

Everson's voice trembled with worry as he pleaded with Lightner. "Please, Lightner! Don't do it. I'm just trying to warn you, it's too dangerous!"

Lightner, however, seemed determined to prove himself and shrugged off Everson's concerns. "I've heard Diecol say that people have jumped from even higher cliffs and survived. I can handle it."

Lindo, who had been quiet until now, couldn't help but interject. "Are you out of your mind, Lightner? Jumping from that height into water is not something to take lightly. You could seriously injure yourself."

Deicol, always one to add a touch of bravado, scoffed at Lindo's cautionary words. "Oh come on, Lightner knows he's just joking. He won't actually do it. He's too much of a wimp!"

Feeling his pride pricked by Deicol's comment, Lightner straightened his back and shot a defiant look. "I am not a wimp! I'm going to prove you wrong. Watch me!"

As the tension between the friends grew, Everson's voice rose in desperation. "I'm serious, Lightner. Please reconsider. The risk is just not worth it."

But Lightner seemed immune to Everson's pleas, convinced that he could conquer the daring leap. Ignoring the worried protests, he took a few steps closer to the cliff's edge, ready to face the adrenaline rush and the potential consequences.

Everson's heart sank as he realized he couldn't change Lightner's mind. All he could do now was pray that his friend would somehow come out unscathed from this reckless act.

Its not a cliff its a tower and each of them are 14 years old

Apologies for the misunderstanding. Let's adjust the details accordingly:

Everson's voice trembled with worry as he pleaded with Lightner. "Please, Lightner! Don't do it. You're just 14 years old, and jumping from that tower is incredibly dangerous. You could seriously hurt yourself!"

Lightner, feeling a mix of determination and youthful recklessness, dismissed Everson's concerns. "Come on, Everson! You worry too much. I've seen videos of people diving from even higher points. I'll be fine."

Lindo, concerned for his friend's safety, tried to reason with him. "But Lightner, those people in the videos are professionals. They know what they're doing! We're just teenagers. It's not worth the risk."

Deicol, trying to minimize the seriousness of the situation, chimed in. "Relax, guys. Lightner's just bluffing. He won't actually do it. He's too scared to take the plunge."

Infuriated by Deicol's taunt, Lightner stood his ground defiantly. "I am not scared! I'm going to prove all of you wrong. Just watch me."

With tensions rising, Everson's pleas grew more desperate. "Lightner, please! I'm begging you. This is not a game. Your life is worth more than proving a point."

But Lightner remained resolute, fueled by a mixture of peer pressure and a desire to prove his bravery. Blocking out Everson's voice, he ascended the tower steps, ready to face the adrenaline rush and the potentially grave consequences.

Everson's heart sank, realizing that he couldn't change Lightner's mind. All he could do now was hope that his friend would escape unharmed from this daring act of teenage bravado.

There are no videos. And Feingold the one who pushes Lightner off

Apologies for the incorrect information. Let's make the necessary changes:

Everson's voice trembled with worry as he pleaded with Lightner. "Please, Lightner! Don't do it. You're just 14 years old, and jumping off that tower is incredibly dangerous. Feingold is not to be trusted. He could seriously hurt you!"

Lightner, torn between the desire to prove himself and the nagging doubt about Feingold's intentions, hesitated for a moment. "I know there are risks involved, but I believe I can handle it. Feingold said it's safe."

Lindo, realizing the gravity of the situation, joined Everson in trying to dissuade Lightner. "Listen, Lightner. Feingold is known to be reckless and irresponsible. He might push you off instead of letting you jump. Please reconsider!"

Deicol, misinterpreting the situation, laughed dismissively. "Feingold wouldn't do anything like that. You guys are overreacting. Lightner can handle himself."

Everson's voice rose in desperation as he pleaded with Lightner. "I'm serious, Lightner. Feingold is not someone to trust. Don't put your life in his hands. It's not worth the risk!"

But Lightner, determined to prove his mettle, brushed off Everson's warning. "I appreciate your concern, but I need to do this. I won't let Feingold scare me off."

As Lightner stood on the edge of the tower, ready to take the leap, Feingold's presence behind him sent a surge of fear through his veins. Suddenly, Feingold lunged forward, pushing Lightner off the edge with a force that sent him hurtling towards the ground.

The air rushed past Lightner as he plummeted towards the water below. Fear and regret mingled in his mind, realizing the potential consequences of his reckless decision.

Everson's voice trembled with worry as he pleaded with Lightner. "Please, Lightner! Don't do it. You're just 14 years old, and jumping off that tower is incredibly dangerous. Feingold is not to be trusted. He could seriously hurt you!"

Lightner, torn between the desire to prove himself and the nagging doubt about Feingold's intentions, hesitated for a moment. "I know there are risks involved, but I believe I can handle it. Feingold said it's safe."

Lindo, realizing the gravity of the situation, joined Everson in trying to dissuade Lightner. "Listen, Lightner. Feingold is known to be reckless and irresponsible. He might push you off instead of letting you jump. Please reconsider!"

Deicol, misinterpreting the situation, laughed dismissively. "Feingold wouldn't do anything like that. You guys are overreacting. Lightner can handle himself."

Everson's voice rose in desperation as he pleaded with Lightner. "I'm serious, Lightner. Feingold is not someone to trust. Don't put your life in his hands. It's not worth the risk!"

But Lightner, determined to prove his mettle, brushed off Everson's warning. "I appreciate your concern, but I need to do this. I won't let Feingold scare me off."

As Lightner stood on the edge of the tower, ready to take the leap, Feingold's presence behind him sent a surge of fear through his veins. Suddenly, Feingold lunged forward, pushing Lightner off the edge with a force that sent him hurtling towards the ground.

The air rushed past Lightner as he plummeted towards the water below. Fear and regret mingled in his mind, realizing the potential consequences of his reckless decision. Lightner screamed.

Everson began to run to the top of the tower, and attacked Feingold, Deigol fell to his knees, you pushed him you fool, he'll die no no that's horrible. Deigol cried

Lindo ran down to were Lightner hit the ground in stead of the water. What wall I do, God Help him he cried when he saw the condition of Lightner covers in blood.

Everson's fists clenched in anger as he reached the top of the tower and saw Feingold standing there, a malicious smirk on his face. Without hesitation, Everson lunged at him, his blows fueled by a mix of fear and fury. "You pushed him, you fool! He could die because of you!"

Deicol, who had been confident in Feingold's innocence moments ago, fell to his knees in shock. "No, no. This can't be happening. I didn't think he would actually push him. Lightner might die!"

Lindo, his heart pounding in his chest, rushed to the spot where Lightner had landed. His mind raced, unsure of what to do, but his instincts kicked in as he saw Lightner drenched in blood. "God, help him!" Lindo cried out, his voice filled with desperation.

Frantically, Lindo dialed emergency services for help while cradling Lightner's limp body, hoping for a miracle. Time seemed to stand still as they awaited medical assistance, the weight of their choices and the severity of the situation hanging heavily in the air.

As sirens blared in the distance, Everson continued his onslaught against Feingold, driven by a mix of anger and the need for justice. Meanwhile, Lindo prayed for Lightner's survival, his tears mingling with the blood staining Lightner's face.

The consequences of their actions weighed heavily upon them all, as the once carefree day had turned into a nightmare. In that moment, their friendship was put to the test, and they could only hope that Lightner would pull through and that they would learn from their mistakes.

There are no phones only horses