]Where is the sun located on Earth’s elliptical orbit?(1 point)

at a focus
at a focus

at the perihelium
at the perihelium

at the aphelium
at the aphelium

at the center of the two foci

The sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit.

The sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit.

The sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit. To understand this, let's break it down:

1. Elliptical orbit: Earth's orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle, but rather an ellipse. An ellipse is a type of elongated oval shape.

2. Foci: An ellipse has two foci (plural of focus), which are points inside the ellipse. These two foci are located on the major axis of the ellipse and are equidistant from its center.

3. The sun's position: The sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit, specifically at the focus closest to the center of the elliptical shape. This focus is called the perihelion.

So, to answer the question, the sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit, which is the perihelion.