_____ stars produce heavier elements.

Massive or high-mass stars produce heavier elements through nuclear fusion processes in their cores. These stars have enough mass to initiate fusion reactions that convert lighter elements like hydrogen and helium into heavier elements like carbon, oxygen, and iron. This fusion process continues until the core of the star collapses under its own gravity and releases massive amounts of energy in a supernova explosion. The intense heat and pressure during a supernova allow for the creation of even heavier elements, such as gold and uranium.

Massive stars produce heavier elements.

When a star goes through its lifecycle, the process of nuclear fusion occurs at its core. Fusion involves the conversion of lighter elements into heavier ones, releasing energy in the process.

In smaller stars, the fusion process primarily involves the conversion of hydrogen nuclei (protons) into helium nuclei. This is known as the proton-proton chain reaction. These stars do not have enough mass or temperature at their cores to produce elements heavier than helium.

However, in massive stars, the core temperature and pressure are much higher due to their greater mass. This allows for the fusion of helium nuclei into heavier elements like carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen through the triple-alpha process. As the star continues to evolve, the fusion reactions progress further, eventually leading to the creation of even heavier elements such as iron and nickel.

These heavier elements are later released into the surrounding space when massive stars explode as supernovae. Hence, it is the massive stars that are responsible for producing the heavier elements in the universe.

To determine which stars produce heavier elements, we need to look at stellar evolution and nuclear fusion processes.

Stars are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. The fusion of hydrogen atoms in the core of a star releases tremendous amounts of energy, powering the star. This fusion process, called nuclear fusion, fuses hydrogen atoms to form helium.

However, as a star ages and exhausts its hydrogen fuel, it undergoes changes in its core that allow it to fuse heavier elements. Different types of stars go through different stages of nuclear fusion and produce different elements as a result.

The most massive stars, known as supergiants, have enough mass to continue nuclear fusion reactions after exhausting their hydrogen fuel. They enter a stage called stellar nucleosynthesis, where they can fuse helium into heavier elements like carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. These elements are then released into space through stellar winds or during a supernova explosion.

Additionally, when massive stars experience a supernova explosion at the end of their lives, the immense heat and pressure generated during the explosion can facilitate the creation of even heavier elements through a process called supernova nucleosynthesis. Elements like iron, nickel, and even heavier elements are produced during this violent event.

In summary, it is the most massive stars, including supergiants and those that undergo supernova explosions, that produce heavier elements through stellar nucleosynthesis and supernova nucleosynthesis.