When referring the body, how would you say, "head" in Spanish?

(1 point)

la cabeza
la cabeza

el dedo
el dedo

la pierna
la pierna

la boca

la cabeza

Your friend is calling from Colombia. Describe to your friend the weather where you live today and what season it is. Ask your friend what the weather is like in Colombia. Please write your answer in Spanish.

Hola amigo/a,

Hoy hace buen clima donde vivo. Estamos en la temporada de primavera. ¿Qué tal el clima en Colombia?

Espero que estés bien.


When you want to refer to your notebook, which Spanish word do you use?

To refer to your notebook in Spanish, you would use the word "cuaderno".

Write the two sentences "It's one o'clock." and "It's three o'clock." in Spanish.

"It's one o'clock." - Es la una.

"It's three o'clock." - Son las tres.