Answer the following question after reading Superman and Me by Aheman Alexis

1. What is Superman doing in the comic book panel Aliex remembers? Why is it important to remember this detail at the very end of the essay?

2. In paragraph 7, Alexi repeats a certain verb fourteen times. What is this verb, and what effect does this repetition have? What might Alexie be trying to say about the process of his coming to literacy, in terms of both the effort required and the height of the obstacles encountered (or, given the metaphor introduced in paragraph 4, the thickness of the doors that must be broken through)?

3. Look at Alexie's feelings about his fellow classmates on the reservation. Does Alexie envy his classmates? Why, or why not? How were his difficulties different from those faced by other Indians? 

4. IN paragraph 5, Alexie writes about himself in the third person, in effect dramatizing what happens when one writes the story of one's life. Using the third person, write about a particularly important moment or aspect of your life. Afterward, write a short reflection on the distancing effect of referring to yourself as "he" or "she" (or maybe something else?). How does this type of writing help you learn about yourself?

1. In the comic book panel that Alexie remembers, Superman is breaking down the door to save someone. This detail is important to remember at the very end of the essay because it symbolizes breaking through barriers and fighting against injustice. It represents the hope and inspiration that literacy brought to Alexie's life and emphasizes the importance of education in overcoming obstacles.

2. The verb that Alexie repeats fourteen times in paragraph 7 is "read." This repetition highlights the effort and determination that Alexie put into learning how to read. It emphasizes the significance of literacy and the challenges he faced in becoming literate. The repetition also emphasizes the doors that he had to break through, symbolizing the obstacles and discrimination he encountered as a Native American trying to succeed academically.

3. Alexie does not envy his classmates on the reservation. He describes feeling sorry for them because they were denied opportunities and had limited aspirations due to societal expectations and the lack of access to education. His difficulties were different from those faced by other Indians because he managed to overcome the barriers and succeed in the academic world, whereas many of his classmates had resigned themselves to limited futures.

4. When writing about a particularly important moment or aspect of my life in the third person, it allows for a sense of detachment and objectivity. Referring to oneself as "he" or "she" removes the emotional attachment and allows for a more analytical perspective. This type of writing helps me learn about myself by providing a different lens through which to view my experiences. It allows me to analyze my actions and decisions more objectively, gaining insights that I may have missed if I had written in the first person. The distancing effect helps in gaining a clearer understanding of the situation and reflecting on personal growth and development.

1. In the comic book panel that Alexie remembers, Superman is breaking down the door of a house. This detail is important to remember at the very end of the essay because it symbolizes the power of education and literacy. Just as Superman breaks down barriers and overcomes obstacles, Alexie, through his education and love of reading, is able to break through the barriers of poverty and stereotypes that he faces as a Native American.

2. The verb that Alexie repeats fourteen times in paragraph 7 is "read." The repetition of this verb emphasizes the effort and determination it took for Alexie to become literate. It underscores the immense struggle and perseverance he had to exert in order to learn how to read. Additionally, the repetition also highlights the monumental obstacles that stood in his path towards literacy, comparing it to the metaphor introduced in paragraph 4 of "thick doors" that needed to be broken through.

3. Alexie does not envy his classmates on the reservation. He realizes that they are all restricted by the same limitations and disadvantages imposed on Native American children. He understands that they are all victims of systemic oppression and lack of resources. However, his difficulties were different because of his passion for reading and his determination to overcome those limitations. While others may have faced similar challenges, Alexie's pursuit of literacy set him apart and allowed him to transcend the barriers that held back his fellow classmates.

4. In the third person, one might write about a significant moment in their life such as, "He stood at the edge of the stage, heart pounding, as he prepared to deliver his valedictorian speech. The daunting task of addressing the entire graduating class seemed overwhelming, but he knew it was a moment he had worked tirelessly for." Referring to oneself in the third person can create a sense of detachment and objectivity from the situation, allowing for a deeper exploration of thoughts and emotions. This type of writing helps to view oneself from an outside perspective, enabling introspection and gaining insights into one's actions, motivations, and personal growth. It allows for a more honest and reflective analysis of oneself and provides an opportunity for self-discovery and greater self-awareness.

1. In order to answer this question, you will need to read the text "Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie. In the essay, Alexie describes a particular comic book panel featuring Superman saving the world. The essay ends with Alexie emphasizing the significance of remembering Superman in the comic book panel. To understand why this detail is important, you will need to analyze the essay and identify the themes or ideas that connect to the role of Superman in the panel.

2. To answer this question, you will need to refer to paragraph 7 of "Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie. In that paragraph, Alexie repeats a specific verb fourteen times. By identifying the verb, you can analyze the effect of this repetition. Consider the context in which the verb is used and its impact on conveying the message or theme of the essay. Additionally, consider how the repetition of the verb relates to the metaphor introduced in paragraph 4, highlighting the effort required and the obstacles encountered in Alexie's journey to literacy.

3. To answer this question, you will need to examine the feelings Alexie expresses about his fellow classmates on the reservation in "Superman and Me." Consider whether Alexie envies his classmates and the reasons for his feelings. Compare his difficulties to those faced by other Indians and reflect on the unique challenges Alexie encountered. By analyzing the text and understanding Alexie's perspective, you can determine whether he envies his classmates and why his difficulties may differ from other Indians.

4. To answer this question, you need to refer to paragraph 5 of "Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie. In that paragraph, Alexie writes about himself in the third person, providing insight into the process of writing the story of one's life. Following his example, write about a significant moment or aspect of your own life using the third person. Afterward, reflect on the distancing effect of referring to yourself as "he" or "she." Consider how this type of writing helps you gain a different perspective on yourself and how it contributes to self-discovery and learning. Describe the impact of using third-person narration on your understanding of yourself and the insights it provides.