how would you describe the change of wood when it is burning?

A. it is a chemical change, where both the intensive and extensive properties will not change.

B. it is a chemical change, where some of the intensive and extensive properties will change

C. it is a physical change, where both the intensive and extensive properties will not change.

D. it is a physical change, where some of the intensive and extensive properties will change.

B. it is a chemical change, where some of the intensive and extensive properties will change

B. it is a chemical change, where some of the intensive and extensive properties will change.

The change of wood when it is burning can be described as:

B. it is a chemical change, where some of the intensive and extensive properties will change.

Explanation: When wood burns, it undergoes a chemical reaction called combustion. During combustion, the wood reacts with oxygen in the air to produce heat, light, and various combustion products like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ash. This chemical reaction results in a change in the composition of the wood, as well as a release of energy in the form of heat and light. Therefore, it is classified as a chemical change. Additionally, the burning of wood can also cause changes in the physical properties of the wood, such as its state (from solid to gas) and shape (as it turns into ash). Hence, some of the intensive and extensive properties of wood will change during the burning process.