What is a pattern of organized relationships among groups of people within a society?

Social Structure

Standard of living



Social Structure

The correct answer is "Social Structure." Social structure refers to the pattern of organized relationships among groups of people within a society. It encompasses various elements such as social roles, norms, institutions, and hierarchies that shape the interactions and behaviors of individuals within a given society. Other options, such as Standard of living, Culture, and Society, are related concepts but do not specifically refer to the pattern of organized relationships among groups of people within a society.

The correct answer is "Social Structure."

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options by understanding their meanings:

1. Standard of living: This refers to the level of wealth, comfort, material goods, and necessities available to an individual or a group. It is not a pattern of organized relationships among groups of people within a society.

2. Culture: Culture refers to the shared beliefs, customs, traditions, language, and arts of a particular group or society. While culture can influence social structure, it is not synonymous with it.

3. Society: This refers to a group of individuals who share a common geographic territory, are united by common interests or goals, and interact with one another. While social structure is a part of society, they are not the same concept.

Finally, the term "Social Structure" specifically refers to the pattern of organized relationships among different groups of people within a society. It represents the way individuals are interconnected and their roles and positions within social institutions such as the family, government, education, and economy.