Which of the following best summarizes the impact of Shays's Rebellion? (1 point)

O It brought attention to weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

It caused worry that the national government was too powerful.

O It caused farmers to go into debt to pay their taxes.

It brought attention to the tyranny of the Massachusetts government.

The best summary of the impact of Shays's Rebellion is: It brought attention to weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

Which statement best explains the purpose of the Great Compromise? (1 point)

The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress.

O The Great Compromise gave more power to states with larger populations.

The Great Compromise gave more power to states with smaller populations.

The Great Compromise allowed England to have increased influence on U.S. government.

The statement that best explains the purpose of the Great Compromise is: The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress.

How did small states want representation in Congress to be decided? (1 point)

They wanted representation based on economy.

They wanted representation based on land size.

They wanted representation based on population.

O They wanted equal representation for all states.

The small states wanted equal representation for all states.

Forming the Constitution Quick Check

Which of the following best explains how the Preamble to the Constitution relates to our lives today? (1 point)

O It provides information on laws of the land.

O lays out the functions of the federal government.

Otists the essential individual liberties

It explains how the justice system works.

The statement that best explains how the Preamble to the Constitution relates to our lives today is: It lays out the functions of the federal government.

How does the Preamble to the Constitution address future generations of Americans? (1 point)

O by emphasizing the role of the people in govemment

O by vowing to form a more perfect union

O by creating a living document that can change with time

O by establishing a national court system

The statement that best explains how the Preamble to the Constitution addresses future generations of Americans is: by vowing to form a more perfect union.

The correct answer is: "It brought attention to weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation."

To arrive at this answer, we can start by examining the options provided and determining which one aligns best with the historical context of Shays's Rebellion. Shays's Rebellion took place in 1786-1787 in western Massachusetts, and it was a grassroots uprising by farmers against their state government. The rebellion was sparked by economic hardships and grievances over high taxes and debt policies.

Option 1 states that Shays's Rebellion brought attention to weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. This is the correct answer because the rebellion highlighted significant flaws and weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States. The central government under the Articles of Confederation was ineffective in responding to the rebellion, revealing the need for a stronger, more cohesive national government.

Option 2 suggests that Shays's Rebellion caused worry that the national government was too powerful, but this is not accurate. The rebellion actually highlighted concerns about the weak central government, rather than it being too powerful.

Option 3 states that the rebellion caused farmers to go into debt to pay their taxes. While it is true that the economic hardships faced by farmers were a significant factor in the rebellion, this option does not encompass the broader and more significant impact of the rebellion.

Option 4 suggests that Shays's Rebellion brought attention to the tyranny of the Massachusetts government. While the rebellion did challenge the policies and actions of the Massachusetts government, this option does not encompass the broader implications and impact of the rebellion on a larger scale.

Therefore, based on the historical context, the most accurate and fitting answer is option 1: "It brought attention to weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation."