Which of the following is an "Argentinean cowboy?"





The correct answer is "gaucho". The term "gaucho" refers to a traditional Argentinean cowboy who is known for his horsemanship and skills in herding cattle.

The Argentinean cowboy is called a "gaucho."

The term "Argentinean cowboy" refers to a specific type of cattle herder in Argentina. Out of the options you provided, the correct answer is "gaucho." To determine this, you can break down the question and analyze the options:

1. Gaucho: This term is commonly associated with Argentinean cowboys. To confirm if it is the correct answer, you could search online for the definition of a "gaucho" and check if it is indeed an Argentinean cowboy.

2. Mus: Mus is not related to Argentinean cowboys. It is actually a popular card game played in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.

3. Naipes: Naipes refers to playing cards, so it is not connected to Argentinean cowboys.

4. Plaza: Plaza means "square" in Spanish. While a "plaza" can be found in many towns and cities, it is not specifically related to Argentinean cowboys.

In conclusion, the correct option for an Argentinean cowboy is "gaucho."