What is 9,731 − 8,950 ?

The result of 9,731 − 8,950 is 781.

Camila shot 248 foul shots in practice last week. She missed 29. How many foul shots did she make?(1 point)


Camila made 219 foul shots. (248 - 29 = 219)

To find the difference between 9,731 and 8,950, subtract the smaller number from the larger number:

9,731 - 8,950 = 781

To find the difference between 9,731 and 8,950, you subtract the smaller number (8,950) from the larger number (9,731).

Step 1: Start by writing both numbers vertically, aligning their digits:
- 8,950

Step 2: Begin with the rightmost digit (ones place) and perform subtraction:
1 - 0 = 1

Step 3: Move to the next digit (tens place) and perform subtraction:
3 - 5. Since you can't subtract 5 from 3, we need to borrow from the hundreds place. In the hundreds place, we have a 7, which can be rewritten as 6 + 10, because we borrow 1 from the thousands place. So, 7 becomes 6, and the 10 is added to the 3 in the tens place to make it 13.
Now, we have 13 - 5 = 8.

Step 4: Move to the next digit (hundreds place):
6 - 9. Since you can't subtract 9 from 6, we need to borrow from the thousands place. The thousands place has a 9, which can be rewritten as 8 + 10. So, 9 becomes 8, and the 10 is added to the 6 in the hundreds place to make it 16.
Now, we have 16 - 9 = 7.

Step 5: Move to the next digit (thousands place):
8 - 8 = 0

Step 6: Move to the next digit (ten thousands place):
Since there are no more digits, you can consider it as 0.

The final result is 781. Therefore, 9,731 - 8,950 = 781.