Teamwork: Mastery Test

Select the correct answer.
What is the definition of a self-directed team?
a team that chooses its own way of achieving objectives
a team that needs instructions as to how to achieve its objectives
a team that needs constant intervention from management
a team that needs the management to direct it

A. a team that chooses its own way of achieving objectives

The correct answer is:

A. A self-directed team is a team that chooses its own way of achieving objectives.

To answer this question and select the correct answer, you will need to understand the definition of a self-directed team. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Read the question carefully: Make sure you understand what is being asked. In this case, you need to define a self-directed team.

2. Understand the concept: Self-directed teams are a type of team that have the autonomy and authority to make decisions and direct their own work. They are self-managing and empowered to set their own goals and find their own ways to achieve those objectives.

3. Evaluate the options: Now that you understand the concept, you can analyze each answer choice and determine which one aligns with the definition of a self-directed team.

- Option A: "A team that chooses its own way of achieving objectives." This aligns with the definition of a self-directed team, as they have the freedom to choose how they achieve their objectives.

- Option B: "A team that needs instructions as to how to achieve its objectives." This contradicts the definition of a self-directed team, as they do not require constant instructions or guidance from external sources.

- Option C: "A team that needs constant intervention from management." Again, this contradicts the definition of a self-directed team, as they are designed to function autonomously without constant intervention from management.

- Option D: "A team that needs the management to direct it." This is the opposite of what a self-directed team represents, as they are designed to be self-managing and do not rely on constant direction from management.

4. Select the correct answer: Based on your analysis, you can conclude that Option A, "a team that chooses its own way of achieving objectives," is the correct answer.

Remember to double-check your reasoning before making your final selection!