Which statement best compares and contrasts the Bill of Rights with the Declaration of Independence?(1 point) Responses The Bill of Rights emphasizes protection of individual rights that the king had denied American colonists, but it also provides a framework for government. The Bill of Rights emphasizes protection of individual rights that the king had denied American colonists, but it also provides a framework for government. The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence both sought to establish fair and even divisions of power within government. The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence both sought to establish fair and even divisions of power within government. The Bill of Rights emphasizes the freedom of religion because the king had denied colonists the right to worship freely. The Bill of Rights emphasizes the freedom of religion because the king had denied colonists the right to worship freely. The Bill of Rights emphasizes the rights of those accused of crimes because the king often jailed political enemies without a trial.

The statement "The Bill of Rights emphasizes protection of individual rights that the king had denied American colonists, but it also provides a framework for government." best compares and contrasts the Bill of Rights with the Declaration of Independence.

Which statement best compares and contrasts the Bill of Rights with the Declaration of Independence?

The Bill of Rights emphasizes the freedom of religion because the king had denied colonists the right to worship freely.

The Bill of Rights emphasizes the rights of those accused of crimes because the king often jailed political enemies without a trial.

The Bill of Rights emphasizes protection of individual rights that the king had denied American colonists, but it also provides a framework for government.

The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence both sought to establish fair and even divisions of power within government.

The statement "The Bill of Rights emphasizes protection of individual rights that the king had denied American colonists, but it also provides a framework for government." best compares and contrasts the Bill of Rights with the Declaration of Independence.

The statement that best compares and contrasts the Bill of Rights with the Declaration of Independence is:

"The Bill of Rights emphasizes protection of individual rights that the king had denied American colonists, but it also provides a framework for government."

This statement highlights two key aspects of the Bill of Rights: the protection of individual rights that were denied by the king, and the establishment of a framework for government. In contrast, the Declaration of Independence focuses more on declaring the colonies' independence from British rule and outlining the justifications for doing so.

The statement that best compares and contrasts the Bill of Rights with the Declaration of Independence is:

"The Bill of Rights emphasizes protection of individual rights that the king had denied American colonists, but it also provides a framework for government."

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the main purposes and content of both the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence, written in 1776, served as a formal proclamation by the American colonists declaring their independence from British rule. It primarily focused on asserting the natural rights of individuals, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and proclaimed that governments should be formed to protect these rights. It also enumerated various grievances against the British king, including acts of tyranny and the denial of rights.

On the other hand, the Bill of Rights, which was adopted in 1791, consists of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. It was drafted to address concerns raised by Anti-Federalists who feared a strong central government infringing upon individual liberties. The Bill of Rights emphasizes the protections of individual rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and due process, which the colonists had been denied under British rule. It also establishes limitations on government power and provides a framework for a system of checks and balances.

The statement accurately captures the comparison and contrast between the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. Both documents seek to guarantee individual rights that the colonists were denied under British rule. However, the Bill of Rights goes beyond the Declaration of Independence by also providing a framework for government and outlining specific protections for accused individuals.